WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 5)

I Fel down down down in a burnin ring of Felfire.

let this depressing thought enter your brain. i was thinking of the hazy maze cave thread i made and realized. SUPER MARIO 64 IS 28 YRS OLD TODAY.

That’s crazy talk.

The 90s was only was 10 years ago. They will always be only 10 years ago.


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The one that’s weirder to me is games from the late 2010s being more than half a decade old.

The pandemic really messed up my sense of time. 2020-2023 all exists as basically the same moment in history.

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now you people will never stop being hungry.


Remember last year when Hansen was all the rage?

I still hate this song


you guys just heard this crazy new dance the macarena everyones doing it!

/points at fairlight

you mean her dance?



notifications seem to work again.
i whisper you in battle net.

uhm i think so.

letting the days go by…

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Man, all this nostalgia talk and the passage of time…I’m out in SoCal on work, and I’ve not flown here in….I don’t know how long. But the fact I remember the Oxnard airport localizer frequency, or the Burbank tower frequency, after not having used them in ages, is wild.

So much of my life aloft was spent in these skies. Some things have definitely changed - looks like they removed the derelict Super Connie from the approach end of runway 26 in Camarillo - and some definitely haven’t - most of the navigation fixes are the same as they were 17 years ago. Oh man, all the stories, too.

I remember flying over the Reagan Presidential Library as they were putting up the building around the 707 housed within.

Time is so cool


President Raygun and his Starwars project.


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I remember reading about that. I had not become fully sentient when this was cooking.

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people i am worried about gus. he is transforming.

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orcs when they dont leave kalimdor.