WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 5)

i had dream i won megamillons and went to go buy a…well i what i was gonna go buy wasnt important.

is over in MG with whatever Slaanesh sent “I am okay with this…”

she sent dudes tho herne…

/sigh… can I requisition some ladies for parity?

ya but they have crab claws, sharp hoof like feet, and have spikes in various places.

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At least they don’t have actual feet… I’d be more disturbed.


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your better off trying too woo a nun then having a purple demon be nice.

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Question… can I put the demon…in a nun outfit?

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ask a heretic.
me personally, the nuns with guns are better.


There going to be more of us very soon hunter, warlock, warrior and more . We’re here to stay BE ONE OF US RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.


Now has a confused demon in a nun outfit at the wedding altar

/stares at herne, knowing a nun cant marry someone

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Timewalking this week good time for alt leveling.

I thought TW was next week?

I would have to look at the calendar when I get home. Thought it was this week?

Did have 2 one was by coffee cup

Looking at it, TW does start next week.


Oh well, I’ll get the 3 of my 75’s to 77 then push later on in the week to 80.