WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 4)

Had me with the first gif, made a stank face on the second. :+1::face_with_peeking_eye::innocent:

The new alien movie is coming 15 August 2024

The way you write dates speaks to me. That’s how I write them and everyone looks at me funny.

That was a copy pasta, I just do 15-8-2024, its when I name files I cant use / as it thinks its a file path.

Here’s one more to remove the stank face :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


In Azeroth you’re lucky to live past a certain age because lack of hygiene can kill.

Well, ok, I still like that date convention, but I like using the first three letters of the month: 07JUL2024 is how today (Sunday where I am) would be written by me.

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Lol you’re a kind soul, thank you

shhh that was a secret

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I can’t even find a brush! I can’t imagine how wild and frizzy my hair would be IRL Elwynn forest

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There is no toilet paper in Azeroth!

Here hands fairlight a brush i found at stable :smiling_imp:


Sounds better than one found at the chaotic :crazy_face:

Well got my hunter to 70 now have to gear my worgen :roll_eyes:

Also found at Stables:

The Alliance


“Who forgot to cap Stables”…

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i have a plan. i just bought some prime energy drinks. now I am going to drink them to harnass the youth and vitality of logan pauls fanbase to restore my lost hair and youth!
do not @ me as this is my last post here.

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This show reminded me of you in many parts, especially this one:

Ohh…I liked the post before I got to the last line.

Last post here?

Extra @Bread

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