WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 4)

that’s a tough squeeze


i’ve always been a fan, but, wow, she wrote this when she was 20 or less:


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im a fan of gus.

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had this wierd dream i was in a gameand i had to keep going through like this chicago speakeasy type place while running from enemies that were invisible. shooting at them with whatever guns i could find. got to like ninth level before i died. used elevators to ascend descend levels. game had asthetics of timesplitters 2.

How was their bootleg booze ?

idk i didnt get time to stop. had to keep running and gunning.

If the baddies are invisible you can just do a ‘spray and pray’ with a machine gun.

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A draenei eating pizza.

A draenei sking.

Think cool when hot.


i think of gus.

Things escalates with the poked Draenei.

I got dragged off by the legs and barely managed to escape. She also took my shoes.

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Sounds like you were running from Chicago deep dish

its a mortal enemy.

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Awwwww, she loves you. And hey, eventually she can start throwing ya through a wall as is Orc tradition.

That’s serious Orc business, and also Orc only…

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No one ever dreams of pandzilla.

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Pandzilla’s only happen on special occasions.


why hello there. I was looking for you.

WTB blood elf wearing this dress for reasons.


Goth mog when Blizzard?


gus is at the groomers.