All the above, I take it?
It does have that look! My little owlkin buddy lives on.
All the above, I take it?
It does have that look! My little owlkin buddy lives on.
“I edited to White Gold.”
“For those who don’t know, White Gold is Gold, blended with a Silver, Nickle, Titanium, etc., ore, to strengthen it, and pale it out some.”
Pfft Armour is overated!
then why do you still wear some?!
I think some armor, like a barbarian or gladiator style, looks amazing and it accentuates the characters strength to be able to wear - if even sparingly - some plate/chain mail, but it also leaves enough bare to show their combatants that they didn’t skip any day and they’re disciplined in their training program. Both can be an intimidating aesthetic.
That’s interesting. I’m learning something new.
“I agree, 100%.”
“Just imagine how strong Titanium would make Gold. It makes a nice color too.”
To look intimidating
What do you think of the upcoming Kaldorei heritage armor?
It looks cool, I like the chest part as it looks more ornate than just a plain bra which I plan to wear.
Overall it’s much better than I thought it would be.
Do you plan to wear that? Or what you have on?
I was a bit meh with the human armor. But not sure how they could really nail down humans. We’re so vanilla as a race, regarding our history and just…we’re normal.
Just checked it out, and I think the nelf armor looks amazing on both the men and women.
To be honest, they could have put more effort into it and made the Human Armour like a high definition version of the old PvP Grand MArshall (edit) armour from Vanilla.
I think Humans and Worgens got short changed when it comes to Heritage armour.
Ooo I like your idea with the hi-fidelity update to vanilla pvp armor. Although now I say that I’d have to look it up because I’m just thinking of the plate armor, that would look very Paladin.
ETA: Ty for the photo. That’s the one I was picturing.
that but minus the most of the gold an add more color to it.
Honestly the more I look at it, the more I see similarities , especially in the generally motif of the heritage pauldrons. But the new heritage armor doesn’t feel cohesive. Some of the pieces feel as though their colors are off a bit. Hard to describe. Too busy, maybe?
Why is the red one the only one with trim that matches…
ima be honest, i dont use the entire set…
Is that game still super microtransactiony?
/dances off