WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 2)

Me when everyone else is talking about anime



Nothing a heavy duty ‘Over the shoulder, boulder holder’ won’t fix.

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I say 80% air so incase of water landing she safe . :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

There’s a limit to these things.

My last GF could be a testament to this.


meanwhile my last gf said i was too weird.

I thought that was common knowledge :thinking:

im weird, but too weird is a bit of an odd thing to say!

least she wasnt a priest tho.


mew, meow even.

It’s bath time furrball… :bathtub:

Free pizza in my barn, thirsty belves and Orcs need not apply :pizza:

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I am hungry
May I aquire the pizza?

Sticks his dirty paws all over the cheez.

/grabs a bucket of water

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Don’t worry i got this use bronze time and revert time then grabs meow turn around so pizza safe . :dracthyr_tea:

Dormammu I’ve come to bargain!


Yes, the Hawkens is always welcome, what would you like on your pizza ?

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Get your grotty paws off that pizza you floofy flea ridden reprobate…

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cheese, sausage, peppers, and chicken

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