WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 2)

See you soon at the waggle bar.

Going to take all the pizzas and put up a sign ’ free pizza to any Draenei from bread who loves you ’

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I can fix this problem!
/whistles loudly and suddenly a group of guerillas jump on the steamroller an begin smashing it aggressively while wearing hardhats

They should be wear gloves and eye protection too / writes up ticket for safety violation fine :face_with_raised_eyebrow: bring this when you go to pay fine .

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then i tell them the waitress spit in my food.

Does that include Manari? Cause I know a red goat who’s gonna have a field day.

I’ll pay it when you invest in gloves big enough for em!

Show him mine " no excuse "

skyslicer did you want to join our discord?

I had some help today, from guess who:


Do you guys eat fried bologna. This sandwich :sandwich: is pretty good.


Never had it unless its like Ham Steaks

We actually call it ‘Devon’ here, it tastes great fried, you can actually put it on pizza, but I’m sure it’s really unhealthly lol.

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I’d eat it on pizza.


your abominations of food know no bounds.

ok you deep dish chomping goat.
queue simpsons season 12 police car chase gif.

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See that I know what it is. Once you said Devon I got you.

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Fancy a devon & sauce sandwich ?

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That sounds flat out awesome. :fox_face:

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I don’t like baloney so .

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at least someone here has exquisite taste.