WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 2)

dont even like catsup.

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I am with kissmytotems i love ketchup on my :fries:.


I mean, that’s like having body parts strewn about in your living room, don’t think that’s any better.


uhm i didnt say she loves it. i said inb4 she comes in and says it just to annoy me.

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they’re anthropomorphic potatoes living in what appears to be a house and having a functioning economy and specialization of labor. i think we can envision their death rituals to have some non-standardness.

(i love this dialogue, btw, thank you)


/dips fries into chocolate shake

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I might try that and maybe with chocolate syrup too.

Fries also taste good while covered in chili n cheese

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I spent a lot of time worrying about this in the late ‘90s, to the point of writing and presenting a paper at an American Astronautical Society conference in 1997 on the feasibility of using nuclear-armed missiles as a point defense system. Long story short, if it’s under a half mile in diameter, we got this.


Borrows Orc, dumps clutch, floors the acclerator… :racing_car:

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Some people seem to like dipping their fries in icecream…

We ignore those people.


Ranch ftw! I love ranch. I especially love it with chicken. Chicken makes more sense since I’ve been in the States than it did in Australia! Go figure.

And whats weirder is I am actualy allergic to chicken over in Australa. Never had that issue here in the States.

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But…do we?

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Shakes are just softer icecream

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Not so rough, Ms. Draenei.

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Changes to a lower gear then takes some speed bumps… :camel:

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Where does the drag chute come out of ?