WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 2)

If the bars not bending, you’re just pretending


what you mean fairlight?

The more weight on the bar, the more it will bend. Think you need around 400lbs for it to bend on an Olympic size (45lbs) bar.

Mostly just some throw away commentary on that image Dread shared.

how does that refer to that image?

The bar is bending

not really. its just jutting out.

It’s 100% bending from the center (on the “dude’s” traps/upper back) out to the edges with 6 wheels (45lbs weight plates) on each side

The medieval version is probably “Dost Thou Even Hoist”

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I disagree. I HAVE SPOKEN!



goes super saiyan god you have triggered me. (thats the same pic my dnd dm used to annoy me back in the day.)

You know that the bar is bending when you can feel it vibrate a little at the top of a squat.

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I see someone took a leaf out of my playbook, quite literally.


Slept like crap.

The magical draenei showed up and despite a fight was put back on the bottom where they belong.

Explains why a draenei I was serving drinks too was complaining about you…

btw she’s coming back with reinforcements

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This isn’t allowed. One draenei at a time only.

Tried telling her but she was too drunk an made the call…

Expect a raid of em soon.

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War of the Waggles.

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Nah, that’d take more for that.
More like a skirmish