stop raiding the stables for punishment tools…
That Orc needs more riding crops to add to his paddle collection
Neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! Gets more riding crop for the missus
Are those crops cage free ?
wiggles toes
Whispers “Nooooo, quite the opposite.”
They should never have hope.
wiggles toes
un-acceptable, how will us humans ride our horses if the orcs keep stealing our riding gear?!
You just need to share the horse with a nice orc lady with a riding crop.
You problem is you ride a horse, I ride a goat.
Me too.
dumps a bucket of cold water on Herne and wiggles toes
goldshire is that way
Horde aren’t allowed.
Yes but the bedroom is THIS way <------- I’m not riding the missus in Goldshire like a peasant!
/puts a human mask on lovefool, with a loud rubberband slap
there, you’ll get in now.
ya’ll too horny, and deserve to go in the corner…
without any draenei
We moved the waggle lounge right next door to it…
Takes the Manari wife to the corner with me “Loopholes!”
waggles toes
There’s plenty of humans and elves there tho.