let me rephrase that. I do not invade barns I INVESTIGATE THEM. I…I’m really bad at this.
take yer time
And you keep giving them.
ok i got it now. I don’t invade barns I enter them by force.
Uh oh, floozy elf is losing her edge. She might need to be waggled off again.
tnats right draenei be very afraid…UGH. WHY CANT I DO THIS RIGHT?
Your lil butt has imprinted my hot tub you been in there so much.
I wouldnt be caught dead in your hot tub.I just noticed that transmog…looks…uhm…it uhm looks…uhm. no comment. it looks scary. thats the word i was looking for.
Only to suitable gentlemen callers with large amounts of gold.
ill pay one copper. for you to roll around in that spike pit.
Is still floating in pieces waiting to be put back together*
the sky is burnin.
smoke is everywhere.
someone send a frost mage i need water elementals STAT!
The word you were looking for is: wholesome.
aint nothing wholesome about draenei females. i remember you. you break my alleria rafts. TWICE. you stay away from me you big bully.
everyone wants to get bullied by us goats.
not me not this angelic blood elf. I lead a barn free lifestyle.
True story.
I was just adding you to bnet. Nevermind then!
cant wait for sep 5th so we can be devilishy stylish.
wow… a male drenei… thats like a rare pokemon.