WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 2)

ill waggle your party.

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Yrel>vegeta :100:

I thought you didnt like draenei :eyes:, plus I ate your cabbage


100% wrong.

so your the one who ruined my farm!

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Im innocent in that regard, I think it was those jealous pandas, I saw how they were eying up your fields.

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those pandas will pay. vengeance for my cabbages!

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They add a lot of sugar. A lot.


we have a local restaurant italian bistro called carmella’s. expensive but serves excellent italian food.


Just some waggling going on…


Bread should eat more pasta, fatten up that noodle elf.


this is why biscuits at red lobsters is better.

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Been learning a lot of pasta dishes for the last few years.

Sip and Feast is a good channel to learn from.

They are meh to me.

Seeing cats, I donated to another cat on Cuddly earlier today.

I see all the kitties and doggos and I’m like… I WANT TO HELP THEM ALL! D:


they are Cheesy goodness!


They lack depth.

Nah m8, the universe tournament was the only reason the universes didn’t get destroyed

Also I can’t really think of any other universe risks just to fight someone, Buu maybe but that was just planet level

i went there once for my birthday. said someone had reserved entire restaurant and they didnt have room. left and never came back. and that was over 10 yrs ago.

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goku literally made a entire tournament to make the universes fight each other for survival, an had the dragon balls resurrect frieza.

his intentions are always dumb and making everything harder.
he gave cell a bean, he literally asked a random god he met if he wants to fight, and ticks off a destroyer because “i wanna fight it for S an giggles”

not to mention do you know how many times goku “surpasses his limits”? then theres Gohan whose meant to be stronger than goku but is constantly put on the side lines.

an not to mention the constant disrespect on Yamcha, my boy surpassed vegeta at one point an is just treated as the weakest character now.

Well, this one is here to stay.

Can’t believe the thread hurt someone’s feelwings when all they had to do is put it on mute.

Hopefully it was justifiable and they got perma ban for mass flagging with alt army.

Where is our waggle thread mascot spacefloozy?

She needs to waggle just to show them.

All I can do is shimmy.
