Are you trying to fatten up Yrel again Bread.
Guess you’re flying solo then.
/loads heavy crossbow
/randomly sneezes
Pizza Hut belongs in the dumpster.
I like cabbage pizza.
That might be a bit of a stretch, I do like cheesy cabbage though.
spinach pizza
Good waggle morning to you all
It hasto be white cheese if there spinach
Spinach pizza sounds worse than cabbage pizza.
its an actual thing!
yay pizza! bread is my favorite belf!
My sister (who’s vegan) one day made a pizza with no cheese, just had olive oil and chopped brussel sprouts and spinach.
I ended trying to feed it to her dog and even she wouldn’t touch it
free spinach pizza hut pizza for totems!
im sorry you have to suffer this fate.
Well my Nephew, Borther-in-law and I , in the end, went down to a Burger joint and ate burgers
Come Bready, it’s time…
Let’s get this bread-bought pizza party going. Get waggling and party !
Everybody, here we go
(Ooh, ooh)
C’mon party people
(Ooh, ooh)
Throw your hands in the air
(Ooh, ooh)
C’mon party people
(Ooh, ooh)
Wave 'em like you don’t care
(Ooh, ooh)
seems giphy has started to forcibly resizing+horribly-optimizing raw gif uploads that are over 5MB in size to shrink them [they’ve been forcibly converting GIF to webm for a couple months now, but wouldn’t shrink and badly-optimize/blur-to-death unless the GIF was over about 20MB…seems to me that’s changed this week…sigh