“Working” in the hot tub in your party barn
no working at work. there is no party barn.
I was at your party barn last night. Hot tubs full of red wine.
i wasnt drinking last night.
Splat splat splat.
reported for splatrassement.
/stares at zen for hiding a empty bag
I saw you feeding those marshmallows to that plus sized panda lady in your barn…
those were my own stash…
That panda lady must be special you broke your stash out for her.
it was a week till expires an i had no intention to eat it.
Sure i saw it was empty of marshmallow when you filled it a couple of days ago
thats when i fed it to the panda.
I also want some marshmallows~ Where are they?
Right here!
points to upturned box with marshmellows inside, held up only by a single stick tied to a length of string
Yay marshmallows~
/runs to the box and grabs some
closes box on gnome got her.
We got her!
… but lets let her go.
OK should I buy lil maggie cause I kinda want to it’s so cute
/Pulls string and a larger box drops over bread
Ships box to a draenei lady looking for a Belf maid…