WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 2)

His first name better not be Ben


no thats the robot outside with the tools.

Can you get the robot to make us a Belf Bot to serve drinks for the lounge crew ?

no hes a miner.
he cant do that.

“That’s a job for an Engineer.”
(Lady Cyndi Lou orders her Army of Tiny Robots to build a Belf Bot to serve drinks for the lounge crew.)

“Anything else you need?”


A diamond ring would be nice :gem:

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ma’am, i sell junk, if you want a diamond ring, your gonna have to go the over priced joint at the golfing club.

Even Hawkens junk is junk and i heard those caps are forgery.

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you can’t forge caps
/cleans a random nuka bottle
however, junk is valuable in the wasteland, more so then diamonds.

what did i just walk into?

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Dunno, but guess nobody like me :frowning:

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i know nobody as ugly as a draenei.

Hey now! I resemble that remark!!

of course you do.

Yup! But i am dang sexy though!!


Can not believe im in here at this time lol. But no one doing dreamsurges lol. Oh well.

A hot tub full of draenei succubi ?

hmmm i oh uhm uh. HELP ME!


The Windrunner sisters appear and jump into the hot tub to ‘assist’ Bread…


alleria can assist me anytime.