i thought i played 9.2 long ago i need to lay off the tequila.
im mc dumb.
i mean 10.2
i never said there was succubus…
totems you traveled back in time.
i was just messing, idk i bet its before they want everyone back.
So mean Hawkens…
I’m going to have the succubus waitress and the poutine now…
Share that tequila
Dreadmoon hired her for few weeks.
An I’ll do it again too!
i jabe my not tequila.
How much of that tequila have you had ?
i mini bottle
So that’s what you have been doing with all that cactus, making Tequila. Breads Tequila Distillery Barn.
its bread sneaker barn to you missy.
Breads Fashion Footwear for Draenei Ladies.
that’d be like selling bra’s too human males.
I guess you could call it ‘Hoofwear’, & human males can wear bras if they want to.
“They do make great sling shots.”
you will NOT slingshot my sneakers.
I just wish you wouldn’t do that while we are still wearing them…
“Not talking about the sneakers. Talking about the Bras.”