WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 2)

i thought i played 9.2 long ago i need to lay off the tequila.


im mc dumb.
i mean 10.2

i never said there was succubus…

totems you traveled back in time.

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i was just messing, idk i bet its before they want everyone back.


So mean Hawkens…
I’m going to have the succubus waitress and the poutine now…

Share that tequila :tropical_drink::cocktail:

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Dreadmoon hired her for few weeks.

An I’ll do it again too!

i jabe my not tequila.

How much of that tequila have you had ?

i mini bottle

So that’s what you have been doing with all that cactus, making Tequila. Breads Tequila Distillery Barn.

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its bread sneaker barn to you missy.

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Breads Fashion Footwear for Draenei Ladies.

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that’d be like selling bra’s too human males.

I guess you could call it ‘Hoofwear’, & human males can wear bras if they want to.

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we all know full well what we’d do with em, and you’d not like it…


“They do make great sling shots.”

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you will NOT slingshot my sneakers.

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I just wish you wouldn’t do that while we are still wearing them…


“Not talking about the sneakers. Talking about the Bras.”