Depends on how Russian you are.
My first (and mostly last) foray into drinking was a foray into homemade … not really sure what to call it, actually. We’d learned about fermentation in chem lab and I was curious to see if I could do it at home.
The rig was easy to build. Hiding it was even easier — I just put it on the window sill in the dining room. My parents didn’t say boo. That should have been a warning! They’re from Alabama moonshine country, you see, and weren’t fooled for one instant. They knew what I was doing, knew the most probable result, and had probably decided that the burned hand teaches best.
And the result? The fruit of my labors tasted as if it had been strained through Satan’s jock strap. I’ve been a non-drinker ever since.
I make mead and wine, but I’m wondering if you made something a little harder lol
i do it if i wanna clear up a headache without takin meds.
What’s really fun is being the designated driver and trying to get 3 drunks back home .
sits in back of car and heckles driver hey guys goes who founds wine cabinet? come here draeneis. i see you hearting me pretty goat.
Brings bread to barn and gives to nearest draenei then leave .
help. mom wont take gus to vet says hes fine. dont have license cant drive. dont know what do. nearest vet is like 10 miles away. also gus rip open stuffy toy i gave him. gonna cry.
dogs chew up stuffy toys.
hi friendly friend.
hey its my drinking buddy.
hellos friend. lets be friend. i bake cupcake for you.
what’s this empty jar marked “arsenic” I found in the trash?
Found the dreadlord…
no. that was the pineapple flavor.
I kind of like this emerald helper following me around it wiggles while i waggle.
wow. waggle. wiggle. waagle. then wiggle.
How is Gus doing?
gus is getting better. ate a little bit.