WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 2)

That is our word!
You cannot use that word!


moments later at a hunters meeting

Me: Sup my huntards!
other hunters: Eeeey! how’z it hangin ya huntard?

Tails aren’t necessarily required.

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moments later an an Aussie meeting

Me: Sup me -----

Boredumb has been banned from the forums


I like getting paid to sit around in pointless meetings.

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taste the rainbow donut


id like to see one for starbursts
or mm’s


Keep fighting for it.

Fun Fact, the Worgen Male/Female Skeleton already has bones for a tail that include some animations. So all they have to do is add the art.

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Off topic, but I love how “Spanish Flea” has become audio shorthand for shenanigans.

but then they’d just be generic werewolves.

They kinda already are, at least they would have another appearance option. And as the core race with the least options, they need 'em.

Technically all human skeletons have bones for a tail :thinking:


Like your a generic huntard ( yea i went there ).

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what they need is better options
you are selling them short if you think tails are it.

/calls alexstraza

picks up

New phone, who dis?


oh sorry, wrong number, but since you picked up, think you can punish skyslicer for calling me a huntard?

Tails are one of them. And a rather large number want them.

*Cough* Among other options *Cough*

Worgen Suggestions


  • Larger and more visible Braids/Patches/extensions.
  • More Hair decorations/accessories. (Maybe a small hat or rose for Females)
  • Separate Beard options and add more beard styles.
  • Mane Color Options.


  • Improve the Heterochromia selection in the menu with Left/Right Eye toggles.
  • Improve the Eye Glow Selection and let them use Worgen Eyes in Human form.
  • More Muzzle Shapes and Teeth options.
  • More Ear Selections, including more Wolf-like Options.


  • Separate scars from faces.
  • More facial Scars and Damaged ears.
  • Large Body Scars/Bite Marks/Claw Marks.
  • Scars Visible in Human Form.


  • More Darker and Pure Black Fur Colors.
  • Optional Tail Toggle, with Short/Medium/Long and Curled/Thin/Fluffy as well as damaged/stump appearance options.
  • Shaggier Fur options.

I mean the skeletons for making 3d models move.

Life with a long tail is awesome. Don’t be jealous.