“Yes, Blizz!!! MAKE IT SO!!!”
Gus will turn into a plus sized poodle.
Thats way too big and bulky, would like a smaller version.
That stays on my head.
I don’t think that can be a mog the one you posted. I want to wear it here in the forums.
Just be careful Lovefool doesn’t chase you
Must be something to do with Aga Doo
I live in banana country here, they even have a banana festival
do you guys like starbursts - they’re fruity
only as a random snack.
I have no idea who or what that is.
simple question.
what wow class would be the worst roommate irl?
best. monk
worst. priest
my class. worst roommate.
“I’d rather live with a Warlock, than a Rogue.”
I thought you liked succubi ?
demon hunters.
they’d be stinky, lore wise they belong in insane asylum, and probably would constantly scream “VENGEANCE!”.
… but, the have given everything.
What have you given???