WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 2)

Grabs Lovefool and throws him into the hot tub


Anything but that! I can walk on water but not breath it! Throw me back in the barn!

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Grabs Lovefool and throws him back in the barn

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Where the entire draenei ladies volleyball team is waiting to give the recalcitrant Orc some much needed manscaping…

why thank you! nice to meet you too!

sorry i am a day late.

/wanders around aimlessly in the middle of the night liking almost every post on an alt

hope everyone is well. anyone in california or mexico? saw on twitter there was a hurricane and earthquake at once.

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My dudes Humanbeak is actually here. :scream:

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@Hawkens the ritual worked!

oh my gosh i’m so sorry about that.
Tunak Tunak Tun some times makes me lose controll

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Put down the wax strips…


no he’s not.

Check the forums! He posted! Runs around in circles and explodes


Not if you make it right.


As an elf your gross.

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draenei are gross.

/looks at the draenei dressed up as a filthy blood troll


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a fellow khorne worshipper like yourself hawkins shouldn’t judge her. lol crazy blood cultists

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she dresses like a slaaneshi cultist

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Oh ok, pours on the hair removal cream very liberally…

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yes at least us blood elves have class. not like hussy goats. dress like floozies.

it’s nice. i enjoy a /waggle myself though i don’t think I’ve ever paid or given a dancer anything… hrm… maybe I should. Then again Ravendream is not a Moonguardian character.

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