Good morning everyone!
hey thats the guy who tried taking my sword i had remade!
hey malochi.
See, this is a perfect use for the new ethereal toy: you can make the Regent-Lord watch as you transmogrify it into a toilet plunger.
I’m no time traveler an I’m not getting another hilt man.
It’s a bit far to go for a cheap laugh, so, fair.
I’m going to eat pancakes
Until I pop!
why not waffles?
Because waffles are more of a snack and less filling.
i’m gonna have to steamroll you for that answer.
because waffles/waggles are disgusting.
not what you tell me every night?
Well better put the clean up crew on alert " attention we need all crews to be ready for over stuffed panda blowout. "
I’m too fat and bouncy to be steamrolled.
ugh so tired of wrathion threads. everytime get in argument with creeps who ship minors.
Why are they shipping miners ?
who knows why wrathion shippers do anything.
wrathion is a minor?
yeah hes 15. technically 16 at this point and time. also since dragons age slower…this just makes it much worse. get in so many arguments with butthurt wrathion shippers. get mad when i tell them truths.
Why not