WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 2)

I’m on my second playthrough, what race and class are you going with ?

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bbq chicken.
but tbh they turn to ash before we can cook em.

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They rise from the ashes of the last bbq ready to go again, endless roast phoenix.

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if you kill it they turn into cashes tho :thinking:

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There’s a cash reward ?

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best off just killin birds infused with fire sadly friend.

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do you have a bbq chicken recipe?



/writes down a chicken fried recipe with a bbq glaze on it

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Eats chicken while Hawkens writes the recipe down :yum:

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It’s a phoenix recipe, it burns up and turns into ashes when you try to read it :fire:

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/throws a chicken nugget at

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helkp scaalded arm making fish. possible first degree burns., skin blisteriung. so painful/.

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apply cold, see if you have an aloe vera for any burns.
you can also use a natural aloe vera to make homemade soap bars that dont dehydrate the skin.

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put on aloe vera. fish tastes good. eating through pain.

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alcohol also numbs pain.
not gonna condone drinking alot, but a glass or two might make it hurt less.

Give me your discord. I’m done being angry about it.

bsuy with scalded arm, what you mean give me your discord?



(Edited to better link.)