Vulpera OR Goblin hunter

its rogue.

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I really like the vulpera racial and I think they are cute. I would personally go with foxes unless you like the rocketboot racial a lot.

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As much as I love Goblin, Furball has some really great perks and look pretty great with a bow.

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Seeing some spicy artwork of goblin gals I’d have to vote for the short greenskins myself.

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A fox with 2 foxes riding a fox.


Goblin. That Rocket Jump is a blast, and when coupled with Disengage, you can get up to some wacky hijinks.


And they can have a cute fox battle pet out as well!

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:dracthyr_comfy_sip: :fox_face:



Sometimes people forget the bank racial… :slight_smile:

Vulpera :fox_face:.

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Yup, that’s my favorite thing to do with it too.

I parked my Shaman’s camp outside of SoO to farm the shaman transmog set in there, and during Winter Veil I parked it at the Greench spawn point.


Now only if I can do this with pandas.


Very cute!

Looks like a Vulpera win.
Thanks guys, you all are awesome!

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Vulpera hands down. Camp is awesome, voice is way better, looks are (imo) way better

I am also stuck on this

On one hand, goblins are known for being explosive and tech experts – so having a gunwielding goblin makes sense

On the other hand, because I am starting from Cataclysm - I want the fangs of the father daggers, Which are rogue exclusive, Because narratively it fits

Goblin avenges homeland and gets really cool looking daggers but there’s also the cool deathwing themed shotgun

And there’s a these Cata prerequisites for the Daggers Quest, that I can get out of the way with the rogue

I’m just really torn on which one.

But a Rocket Raccoon type Vulpera character seems appealing

Orc Mage is a huge win. Not too late to change your plans.

Goblins are a core WoW race. Vulperas are just worthless furries.