Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

Given how far along the vulpera model is I feel they have to be planned to be next, and I have trouble believing the next races won’t be until the expansion end. They made ARs a big selling point


I still feel like it’s the same boat the ZT were in: the alliance AR isn’t ready yet, plot wise. Even though Vulpera are more than ready to join the horde, there is no one suitable or ready in terms of plot to be with the alliance.

Though, to poke your brain a bit, besides their caravan and traversing with goods from one locale to another, what would be the main thing to pull Vulpera into the horde at this given moment?

And I don’t mean minor plot conveniences like with what the alliance has been doing to/with them in Vol’dun, I mean more major plot contrivances that the horde would immediately go to them for aid or vice versa.

I have a feeling that something more is going to happen with the Vulpera -and- Sethrak when it comes to Azshara and beyond. What are your thoughts on the matter?

side note: I haven’t played any horde in this expansion, I know of the leveling questline for Vol’dun but outside that and what I’ve seen in the discord and such, I feel like I have a fairly decent understanding of what’s happened with Vulpera thus far

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As I just said in the Sethrak thread, vulpera fans can rejoice.

Ion said they are now seeing the feedback and requests to define the next ARs, and which are the most prevalent requests in the forums for the last few months?

Ogres, san’layn, vulpera, high elves and sethrak.

I’m sure Vulpera was in the plan since at least the BfA reveal, when their presence in the trailer had a very positive fan reaction. If there was any chance of them not being playable, the continuous positive feedback certainly made it disappear by now.


At this point in BfA, it has become clear to the devs that vulpes, and other likely allied races, have great acceptance and may even save BfA if they are well exploited!

With enough work, even saberons, arakkoas, botanis (those wooden WOD elves), gnolls among others, can attract new and old players back to warcraft!
If the devs are bold enough, the players will respond positively!


I am 100% for saberon but only if the females are giant hunchy brutes like the males are


FF14 just announced a hunchy lion like race. I wonder if that will dissuade the Wow devs from making saberon playable.

I’m annoyed by this lvl 1 orc i have sitting around on my realmlist…
I want to delete her to make a Vulpera already. :frowning:


I’m wanting to make a female enhancement shaman Vulpera. I think there were signs of them having possible shamanistic ties, plus I’m imagining my character dual-wielding hatchets while being in-training as a shaman.

I was also thinking of a male Vulpera that could be, depending on classes, a warlock of some sort or a shadow priest. Not really on the evil or insane side, but as a “means to survive” type ordeal. I would figure something out when I saw what classes they would officially be.

As Vulpera are my second most wanted race, anything that could potentially give allied race announcements of any sort get me excited and hopeful.

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I can see them being shamans the same way of reason gobs can good at bartering and making deals.

Per the q&a we had with our secretive messenger, the dialogue that was datamined that appeared to hint at Vulpera shamans was related to a scrapped alpha quest. The quest in question had the player and a Vulpera npc using totems to assist a water elemental but was not actually showing Vulpera shamans. This means Vulpera shamans are as equally speculative as other magic classes right now.


Yeah I can totally see it working that way, almost.

Prepurchase next expansion and get access to them early, if you’ve met the requirements of course.

I do not know if warlocks combine with vulperas but it would be a good match for the Horde, since zandalares can not be warlocks!

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Feeling so discouraged and impatient :frowning: I really thought after 8.1.5 when the flagship ARs came out it would be time to tease the next group but it seems quite the opposite :frowning: Come on Blizz, AR are awesome, Vulpera and their fans shouldn’t languish!


I really really really want Vulpera for an Allied Race. But I don’t think we’re getting them in BfA if ever. I think in 8.2.5 we will like get the Mechagnomes and Gilgoblin because those make the most sense for the Mechagon and Nazjatar settings. Then we still need AR related to Worgen and Forsaken. If we get Vulpera in BfA it would probably be after 8.3 or 8.3.5. If Sethrak and Vulpera were going to be added they should have come by now I think.


Ahhhh, but do not give up hope. Remember what Lore and Ion said in the Q&A, that they are watching the community closely :wink: Keep the faith, Vulpera Supporters are one of the biggest of the AR communities.

Sure, it does not mean it absolutely will happen but if I were a betting man I would bet that their popularity is well known.

We just need to keep the faith, keep showing our desire, and remain civil and constructive.


…and not be ‘d***bags’.
Flips hair

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Since they’re listening to feedback, I’d say there’s a lot of hope. Vulpera have the biggest community aside from High Elves (based on the discord community and thread, of course). Of all the ideas, I think Vulpera have the most chance. They even have some pretty well-fleshed-out models.


I have a feeling that worgen and goblins are going to be treated as the “new” race in 8.2.5 since that’s when they are confirmed to get their update models. Although I will totally start playing my hunter again if they finally give worgen tails.

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Still no Vulpera confirmed the fine men and women grow restless, I write this letter to try my best at keeping my sanity these long winters grow harsher and harsher. Thanks to the efforts of the group we carry on but some of us are losing hope.

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If they aim to have a few more sets of allied races as a pre-order incentive for the next expansion, my hope is that by doing this, it gives the devs enough time to work on the models of whatever races would be playable and flesh them out. I’m sure rushing to get the Kul Tirans created and playable must have been a nightmare. Then again, there are still some issues with some of the races, such as Nightborne problems from what I remember.

If we talk about Vulpera and Sethrak specifically, they are working on Goblin and Worgen remodels still, and those two races do utilize those models currently, so it could be a “kill two birds with one stone” thing to set the path for those races to utilize the new models and animations in some fashion, assuming it works that way.

Just some speculation, is all.

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