Vulpera Discussion Megathread

They don’t though. What crazy relevant stuff have the highmountain done in bfa for instance?

You’re placing a requirement when there isn’t one.


The Highmountain have their relations with the Bloodhoof Tauren (and can call upon that core races established lore to fill in the gaps). They are also the only real PC race in the game with any real personal connection to the fate and future of the Black Dragonflight. Both may not be the richest avenues for progression, but they are avenues.

The Vulpera in contrast (while mechanically they are in REALLY good shape) are severely lacking in just about every story element. While they may use the Goblin rigs (and are a mercantile species as well) … they cannot call upon Goblin lore to bolster their own; nor do they have any established conceivable connections to major plot points beyond Vol’dun.

While I would love to see them become business partners with the Cartel, their admittance into such an arrangement (that wouldn’t just risk having an ex slave-race be exploited and enslaved by a man who’s legacy is enslaving his own people on two exploding volcanoes to die for his own short term gain) is dependent on a change in Bilgewater leadership.

While I would absolutely ADORE the Vulpera as an AR, if they are meant to be the Gob AR (which, is the most likely option) … then I want them to actually have value beyond people just wanting the aesthetics of playing a Fennic Fox person (and not JUST for the Vulpera’s sake in future stories, but for the sake of one of the single most neglected PC races in this game; the Goblins themselves).

EDIT: I mean … hell, the last time the Bilgewater (not the Steamwheedle) had any real value or progression as a race in a story was the Lost Isles intro; which concluded with the Harbinger of our people’s destruction (and the antagonist of that story) being shuffled into the leadership spot by a man who no longer wanted anything to do with Horde leadership (Green Jesus).

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Wanted to mention that the game I mentioned previously, Tunic, has a playable demo at E3 this year, so we may get different videos of people playing through a demo build of it. Theres a developer interview and a brief gameplay demo here:

Edit: Added a video that skips straight to the Tunic part.

Again, coming to Xbox One and PC. Also available on Steam. Hopefully it’ll come out sooner than later and give us our Vulpera fix. ^^


Plot twist: fooxes contain azerite

I mean. the books say that goblins are actually mutated from another species thanks to experimentation by the titan watcher dude who got turned into a mechagnome. It could’ve been Vulpera. Iirc it refered to them as furry creatures. Which would link them to goblins.

Hello! And welcome to a new feature I like to call:


Every Tuesday I’ll be highlighting a piece of Vulpera fan art and the artist behind the work. To inaugurate this new feature, we’ll be talking with Kris, who currently co-administrates the Vulpera Hype Caravan discord group.


How long have you been drawing?

I’ve been drawing since I was a child (4ish years old), with breaks here and there of course.

How long have you been playing World of Warcraft?

I’ve been playing WoW since Vanilla, with a large break in WotLK and then return in MoP where I never unsubbed since.

What activities do you like to do in the game?

I enjoy farming mounts, doing quests, exploring, looking for hidden things in the game and getting cool transmog; and most of all I enjoy Roleplaying.

Besides drawing and World of Warcraft, what other activities do you like to do?

In my spare time I like to play with my pets; my crazy cute budgie and my mischievous degu. Apart from that I like playing games, watching films and taking long walks.

What about the Vulpera inspired you to draw?

The thing that inspires me to draw Vulpera is the cartoonish feel about them, the fact that they are foxes and that they are unique in their own way and not just the ‘regular anthro fox’.

What do you plan to name your Vulpera character, should they become playable?

I will name my Vulpera Tyrko.

Thanks, Kris for being my first highlight, and thanks for keeping the discord alive and well! Everybody show Kris some love and if you’d like to be showcased in a future ARTuesday, contact me through the Discord at Rae#2239


And goblins and pygmies share a common ancestor, so pygmies would come from vulpera!

Awesome, thankies for sharing :3

“I’m sorry Starfox, I can’t let you mog that.”

You know I got to say, I have come into this thread 3 different times offering ideas on how the Vulpera could work and have been met pretty negatively. My whole point for the three times I made it was that Blizzard is going to have to give something on par with Vulpera to Alliance considering they are an actual new race, rather then a preexisting one. The response I got was in short “screw you, Blizzard should give them to us because we want them.”.

While I would like them to be playable I got to say, some of Vulpera fans are…yeah…

I apologize on behalf of anybody who treated you harshly. As somebody who feels more at home on the alliance, I definitely understand wanting your favourite race in your favourite faction. I do believe that the horde NEEDS the vulpera more than the alliance does. However, I understand that players on both factions do want want them, and I wish that could happen without damaging faction identity.


I still think Sethrak would be really awesome to add. Vulpera would have been an interesting candidate for a netural race, but that kinda got tossed to the ground and stomped on when the invasions came out and the Alliance went ahead and burned some of their caravans. I think the Alliance should get something nice as well, a new race would be cool. Maybe Ankoans (I can’t spell) if Sethrak don’t work out.


I’m totally cool with vulperas going for the Horde!

What can bother a lot of people in the alliance, is the absence of something as remarkable as vulperas, in our faction.

Worse still if, we are taken to the certainty with some new recolor or another race withdrawal from thin air, because Blizzard not remembered that the Alliance also exists!

Yes! That would make me very salty about the game and the company.

I know many say that devs have trouble creating something for the alliance!
Could we see them contradict this notion in BfA?

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I must say that the design is fantastic! :handshake:
I loved the details of the clothes, the hat and the weapons that we see in “our” Greyrat, like a smuggler! :star_struck:

Congratulations to the designer! It’s a beautiful job!:fox_face:


This is a thread about Vulpera and not about what the Alliance might get. Many of us have said we hope for Sethrak but that’s not really what this discussion is about. So yeah…


Mechagnomes are a perfectly fair counterpart.

Thats not how it works, Blizzard is never going to give one faction something and the other nothing. So trying to come up with a counter part for them is a discussion on how they can get added.

An entire new race vs a already made race with some metal parts on it. If you really think thats fair then theres nothing I can say to you.

Allied races were never meant to be sub races, they are races that stand on their own as per blizzard.

The whole each race gets an AR has always been a theory, it’s been consistent but blizzard has never said this was the case.

So horde getting vulpera doesn’t break any statements of blizzards, just fan theories.

But I admit I have also struggled with the notion of what vulpera offer to the horde, high moutain tauren don’t offer much besides some aerial support, they are biologically a superior race of tauren and like mag har orcs, they would make very strong soldiers as per their great strength.

But here comes the original ideal of the horde, where any race could join to better themselves, when the darkspear joined thrall they were in pretty bad shape and the horde litterally saved the dark Spears existence, so it would be a throwback to the ideal where any race in need can join the horde to better it’s survival.

I still like to play around with the theory that vulpera are resistant or immune to old gods because it would give them a grand purpose for such a gypsy and non history saving people, because simply having skills to survive in the desert doesn’t give them a grand purpose in the horde.


If Vulpera are Goblins ancestors then they’re about as new as mechagnomes will be.

I don’t think they are getting mechagnomes.

There is a whole new race that Alliance interact with, quest with, help, and have a reputation tide to them. The Ankoan. They say they do try to balance the factions. Alliance could use another fearsome race. They stated in an interview one of thier deepest regrets is not having Naga playable. This would be a more playable Naga Race.

And before anyone says helms wouldn’t work on them: Helmets barely work on Tauren, look goofy (but work) on Pandaren, and just look don’t even work on worgen most of the time.

either way, +1 for Vulpera.