Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

And everyone keeps making fox puns about how he got hoodwinked when we see him like how those Vulpera out foxed him with that deal and what would be most amusing he’s not mad but emotional out how well they can sucker people.

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Yeah you guys seem to be on the same page! The “main” Vulpera Den would be a fully functional underground city with multiple points of egress! :smile::fox_face:


It could function as Orgrimar’s main market.

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The Houjin have had no direct contact with the Vulpera in this game yet; outside of the Horde PC. Ji has just been sort of sitting on his hands for this whole time; and that’s not even getting into just how … removed Pandaren’s really are in this game from their chosen factions. For them to recruit new races into the Horde, wouldn’t the Houjin have to have some sort of presence themselves?

Also, I make this point on other threads … but a lot of people supporting Gilblins are heavily relying on “potential” and “headcannon” to justify their addition to the Horde. I feel like people don’t quite realize just how utterly destitute the Gilblin lore really is right now (not just because of their use, but because of the youth of the species and cognitive deficiencies from their aquatic adaptations).

For that matter, do we even know how they handle living outside of water for prolonged periods? Is it even practical for them to do so? Like, they are established to not actually have nostrils and have gills … and while they apparently can handle living on the surface to some extent; I don’t think I’ve ever seen one not within arms distance of a major water source.

Would they dry out or have issues breathing being away from water for too long?

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I’d imagine the official SI:7 report would read something like this.

“We ran across a whole… gopher village.”


This was obviously the idea behind the concept, but going forward I think it will also depend on how it works with the story.

Hypothetically speaking, If they were to make an expansion called Sands of Vulperia about our fluffy friends’ homeland, making them a full race would be a no-brainer.

Or, from the opposite end of the workload spectrum, if Ogre ever end up playable I could see them being an allied race. Even though they’d need tons of work to be made playable and would be a new (to us) rig, Stonemaul/Dunemaul/etc… are already in the Horde. So unless it was a big expansion wide tie in (like if they did it back during WoD to go along with Ogre raid and stuff), a start zone back story might be kind of redundant.

But, yea, Vulpera being an allied race seems more likely than not.

Lol. I really hope Blizz gets away from the whole SI:7 gung-ho military stuff and goes back to a more noble and knightly depiction of the Alliance but that’s a topic for another thread. On point… I don’t think, if anyone unsuspectingly stumbled upon a Vulpera burrow, they would make it back anywhere to to give a report. :joy::fox_face::skull_and_crossbones:


As much as I love Vulpera, I don’t think they would be received very well as the theme of an xpac. I think they’re just going to be an allied race and that’s fine with me because I want to start playing one ASAP!

Still anxiously waiting.




lol Yea, an expansion all about Vulpera might be overkill. Exaggerated name aside, it could be more about whatever we might be fighting or searching for there. The Vulpera (and Sethrak or something for Alliance) could just be the ones to tell us about it.

And, yea, getting them soon-ish as an allied race would be nice. Maybe save the next full race slot for something more exotic like Naga or Ethereals.

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For that matter, do we even know how they handle living outside of water for prolonged periods?

Just want to clarify this one thing.

  1. There is breathable air in most place of Nazjatar.
  2. Gilgoblins have been seen living in a number of land based zones. Usually around beach areas in tropical climates.

So it has been 100% confirmed they can survive outside of water for prolonged periods of time. If you want to discuss this further with me, lets do it in the Gilgoblin discussion thread, so as not to get too off topic here.


Yeah, honestly, I like what Fallynn has shown us in her San’layn thread and I think they would make a great hero class for the next xpac, especially if it’s the Shadowlands. :wink:

Ji and Aysa are both in the embassies, they gotta recruit SOMEONE or else why are they even there?


a bit off topic, but this got me thinking; Story-wise, why doesn’t Ji have more of a presence? isn’t the whole Huojin mantra about taking action for what you believe in, and dealing with the results later? Or is he reconsidering the Tushui way after Aysa rescued him in SoO?

I mean, it makes sense for Aysa to continue to be passive and sit on the boat doing prety much nothing, but you’d think Ji would be out trying to make a difference.

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I am absolutely on board with Gallywix and Kiro trying to out scheme each other in a recruitment quest. I really couldn’t come up with a more appropriate idea for either character


It would be great, see both (Ji & Aysa) recruiting new blood for Horde and Alliance!

It would also be a way to remember that they exist!


If Vulpera are going to be an allied race, here is what I think could be required:

War Campaign completed up through current questline for 8.2 and 8.2.5

Exalted with Voldunai

Champion of the Vulpera achievement. (rescue 50 Vulpera in Vol’dun)

About all I can think of, at the moment. Might be other stuff I could be overlooking.

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It was the first faction with which I was exalted!
Vulpera are one of the few races that would make me go through the reputation grind and motivate me to go from 0 to 120!


Also getting the Hyena mount was just the cherry on top.

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