Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

I expect them in the next expansion or last of this one.

I hope that this and the high elves thread were what they meant when they were talking about ideas from the community. Although I don’t personally think high elves would be the best choice for the alliance, a lot of people are very passionate about them, so why not?

(Personally, I’d prefer mechagnomes for Alliance, because they’re awesome)

But they’ve already said no to high elves. They don’t want them confused with blood elves.

note Not trying to be a party popper. They’ve just blatantly said no to them.

I was trying to think of what threads were up early in BFA, or pre-release. This one comes to mind, as does San’layn, high elves, and sethrak. Are there any other big, enduring threads like these I’m not remembering?

Actual mechagnomes? Yeah, that’d be cool. The horrifying, limbless Potatohead people from Mechagon? Eh…


Ogres and Arakkoa had traction for a while but I can’t recall seeing it recently


Lol we totally got this. They’re merely working on making perfect models most likely


Need foxes.


I’m trying to placate myself by looking ahead to worgen model updates and trying out alliance questing.

Though some juicy 8.2 data mining could also lift my spirits

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Just look at the work being put into both the Vulpera and sethrak from the very beginning of the expansion. I wouldn’t be surprised if these two are the “big” races for the entire expansion. With them getting so much love and attention, taking so long to make sure everything is well done and proper so another cata worgen fiasco is avoided.

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They actually said not at this time, which is substantially different than just “no”. Trust me, if they get truly desperate enough and think that adding High Elves to the Alliance as a AR will boost numbers when they need them most, they will do it in a heartbeat. Of course if we ever get to that point the game will probably be on its last legs anyway :frowning:

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After last years Blizz-con disaster I can guarantee Vulpera for WoW, Diablo 4, and so many other announcements will be made at the 2019 Blizz-con. We will not get anything till then. I for one would not mind Vulpera as a playable option. I can understand why some players do. Thankfully there is Classic on the horizon for us to go back to what many players refer to as the glory days of WoW.

These will be the new, play the old expansion to unlock old races after a new expansion comes out featured feature of a new old expansion, races.

After the last QnA, I’ve decided to try and rally up some support for Ogres, my most wanted race. Vulpera are a very close second, however, and I have at least two Vulpera character ideas I’d make if they get to become playable.

The best thing, in my opinion, is to not get too down and just keep showing support for races we want playable. Hopefully we’ll get hints and such as time goes on for future playable races!


I just give up dreaming of vulperas, when the blizzard says we will not see vulperas as playable race!

Arakkoas! I would love they could be an allied race!
But we will hardly see them now so even though there are people who are interested in them, arakkoas fall into the same space as ogres, saberon, gnolls, taunkas and a few others, which appear sporadically but are never forgotten by their fans!

If there are only ever two more Horde Allied races they should be Ogres and Vulpera in my opinion of course. Assuming this system remains with BfA and isn’t carried forward.

But they are so close the models work so well.

I’m hoping they continue with more allied races past BfA. Seems easier to implement than full regular races and they have gotten me to invest in the storyline much more than I usually would. Plus, I love creating alts.

I am curious to see what happens with the Vulpera in the storyline. Since they are allied with the Zandalari, and the Alliance has been picking on them and burning their caravans for awhile, it seems hopeful that they will eventually become part of the Horde. All we can do is hope!


I log in, I check this thread.

Vulpera can’t come soon enough for me.


I, for the most part, agree with this almost entirely. 2018 had nothing really new to show except for the KT and ZT focus. 2019 will likely be about Sethrak and Vulpera (if my hunch is right) and whatever remaining ARs would be for the factions, if any beyond them~. Though considering that the Lightforged Draenei weren’t shown until…I think it was either 7.2.5 or 7.3, and the Void Elves were dropped in almost last minute. I wouldn’t be surprised if they suddenly brought on new ARs at the very end after we’ve been seeing and dealing with the Sethrak and Vulp for so long.

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I’m glad you feel the storyline is exciting XD It IS with the horde…I feel the Alliance storyline isn’t nearly as exciting. That’s just my opinion, though.