<Vrekt> 8/8M - Illidan [H] - 3 Nights - Lfm BOD

A very kind and friendly person

indeed, indeed. that is very true

Mythrax is down! 7/8!!

Time for G’huun to get Vrekt!!

Zoidberg down, ghuun to ph 2!

Saw p2 ghuun multiple times last night, we out here!

Hey forums it’s been 24 hours, missed you

Ready to kill Big Worm!!!

He’s got some big old teeths

Get Vrekt!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

I’m here to bump this post!!

Just some goons trying to survive

are yall on area 52 or Illidan?

Illidan, we’re in desperate need of a BrM for next tier

I mean desperate is an overstatement.

Need a BrM that’s BoD ready!

Still looking!

Continuing our search!

Still looking for a tank!!