“get the person?” get them how? It will merely silence them - since them talking isn’t even remotely relevant to the issue of them not joining in pvp battles taking place right next to them, their inability to talk to me remains totally unrelated to the issue… ignoring them would change literally nothing about the situation.
I have said nothing about war mode not being engaging. I have discussed players with war mode enabled not engaging in war mode wpvp. Work on your reading comprehension if you don’t understand the very clear difference.
I don’t know they weren’t fighting people for 30 minutes before, but why should take make a difference? If they were fighting enemy players for 30 minutes, and then decided to kill quest mobs while 2 people next to them get killed, what difference does it make what they were doing before? They’re still likely to die next when they could have joined the fight, won, and survived to continue their questing victorious… it’s in neither their nor their fellow faction players best interest for them to ignore the fight.
Timer is not an issue. the assault was not going to be over any time soon. If their only concern was completing the quests quickly they could GASP disable war mode and complete the assault without any threat of world pvp standing in their way…
Well, WoW was my first giant multiplayer game and I’m sure that holds true for most others. Prior to that, it was single player games with no internet access and eventually Halo 2.
People have gotten desensitized to the connected community and so they, I feel, take that for granted.
Now, people log in to complete a checklist (i.e: do M+s, finish these emissaries, finish the weekend quest, etc) so they don’t allow themselves to enjoy the flavor that is WPvP.
I log in to complete a checklist as well but checklists are boring so I have WM on in the off chance that I can take a break from that and do some PvP.
Timer may not be an issue to you but many have alts they run them on as well. You make a lot of assumptions, a lot of people have different play styles and goals they want to achieve.
When I want to move on to another quests for instance, I should not be held back because you feel I should help you kill one more guy. I may have killed 20 before you hit this point.
Thanks for sharing.
WM = nobody cares
My first was Final Fantasy XI, but being a turn-based MMORPG it was a very different feeling game from WoW both in style and gameplay. One of the major things that kept me hooked in WoW was the wpvp - running into enemy players while leveling in the Plaguelands was super entertaining. having large-scale wars across the fields of Hillsbrad was unlike any other game I’d played. Even something as frustrating as trying to evade an endgame paladin running around and ganking on his fancy epic mount was exciting and scary. I never needed extra rewards to find that stuff fun…
I just don’t understand why - given how many people complain about pvp being broken, and world pvp being obnoxious, and this and that, why turn it on at all if you don’t want to do it? They’ve made it so easy to turn it off and pretend it doesn’t even exist, and honestly it’s not like the rewards are so game-changing that it’s worth having it enabled if you don’t enjoy pvp… I just don’t see the point to showing up if you’re not going to pitch in.
Again - if the issue is that they have many alts to complete the quests on and they do not want to have world pvp hold them back from doing that, then they have the incredibly simple option of disabling war mode and completing their quests quickly and without the threat of PvP standing in their way. If they ignore a fight right next to them, they are going to die next, and it’s going to take them even longer to complete those quests - so your argument continues to hold no water.
You’re still missing the point - if someone feels that stopping to jump into a world pvp fight happening right in front of their face is “holding them back,” then why are they in war mode at all? The types of people who think it is an inconvenience or a chore or that it is “holding them back” or that they are being “forced into it” are the very types of people who should simply turn it off. problem solved.
When I’m running to my next quest and I see a player being attacked by an enemy, I don’t think to myself “oh, how annoying that I will be held back having to stop and help this person fight.” I think “Oh goodie, an opportunity for a fun world pvp fight, I wonder if we’ll survive it.” If you aren’t interested in or excited by the prospect of jumping into a fight you come across, then what is the point of running around with war mode on? If you need to be enticed into war mode with bonuses, or find actually engaging in w pvp to be such a hindrance to what you want to do in the game, then why would you flip the switch to enable it?
This thread is a novel in itself.
On the note of kicking people from WM. That’s just dumb. Some nights you win, some nights you lose. People are gonna WM for the bonuses so you know what? Get 'em. They’re not PvPers so they’re not prepared. Enjoy the easy, tasty honor. They bite back and no one is at your side? Play it smart and move away for a bit.
Though I do find it very hard to believe no one one the Horde side wanted to help you. They’re blood hungry and have always answered the call to PvP. At least, that was my experience on the horde.
You also have that option to disable when you find it not enjoyable, but you told us early on this isn’t what you want. Yet here you are telling others to do the same thing.
This is your play style, great for you, but who are you to tell anyone that they are not playing the game right when this is how it is presented to every player? You are right in the sense of the bonuses, I agree that bonuses shouldn’t be needed for those who truly love PvP, but guess what? They are here for the foreseeable future. People flip a switch because the dev’s gave them the option to and nothing more.
On that note, thanks for helping me get to sleep. Sweet dreams to all you night owls out there!
That is just stupid. Imagine when PVP servers were a thing if you could vote to kick someone because they didn’t save you from pvp related battles.
Also like most others couldn’t be bothered to read your whole post.
Also, what’s kind of funny/interesting about the original post is the complaint is against his/her fellow horde players. Maybe it just goes to show horde have a higher percentage of players with WM on only to take advantage of the PvE benefits. I think blizz themselves essentially said they want to see fewer of those horde players in WM.
Also, can I assume the OP and anyone supporting removing PvE rewards from WM has not thrown tantrums over AOO? Because if they have then they make no sense.
World pvp has been in this game for 14 years. Until last year it was “always on” on some servers, and “always off” on other servers. The only change is allowing it to be toggled IN ORGRIMMAR (not at every Inn, or anyplace at all).
OP could have written this thread 5 years ago. I was on a PVP server and someone didn’t want to join a WPVP fight with me. Blizzard, force them to! Add a few thousand words, and that is OP’s post and this thread.
Blizzard doesn’t do that. The rules are the same as for 14 years. EACH player gets to choose what they do and what they don’t do. Unless someone groups with you for a raid or dungeon, you can NEVER demand that they play with you. You can NEVER decide what some other player will do. YOU are not the boss of THEM.
That rule worked fine for 14 years. And I agree with it.
Vote to kick from War Mode.
op…maybe they weren’t avoiding pvp. Maybe they were spies for the other side and left you to die as part of a cunning plan…
Or maybe they disliked you. Sometimes in eve if a alliance mate was not one of my favorite people at the time…whoops, sorry I couldn’t save you.
those who went the extra mile…yeah I took care of it myself. Shooting blues…miss those days. Gets your corp leaders mad at you. But sometimes you jsut have to do it
Only way you all are going to find peeps for backup is join pvp crews. Voice comms, obligated pvp attendance etc.
Many on warmode want the rewards. Accept and move on really.
how do you kick someone you aren’t in a group with?
This rule could and would be frequently abused:
A player wants to turn off warmode, but doesn’t want to bother travelling to Orgrimmar to do it? Easy – get 2 friends to “vote to kick him off warmode”.
One thing I do love about Alliance is we may get stomped in bgs but in wpvp and warmode we are always banding together. Wherever zone I go to in there are always groups together and if someone gets ganked or there is a large horde presence people always respond and help out. A lot of good comraderie and social interactions on our side zones even if we lose a fight. For The Alliance!
You mean, why they can see them in the group finder?
Because when they see that group, they can say, I want to join that group, I’ll go switch my warmode status.
Where the hell are they going to go after being kicked?! Goldshire?!
Mostly the same for me. I just enjoy the occasional fight out in the world that’s actually a bit more challenging than a wq boss.
It’s sad though when they jump me when I’m taking down a boss and still lose though >.<
I don’t think you would be able to “kick” someone from warmode for someone letting you get killed in a 1v1.
Yeah, its called a fair 1v1 fight. But dont’t worry, I know you horde are not used to that kind of thing
kick someone from warmode, LOL.