Vote to kick abuse is real

This guy gets it.

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The best I can think of is that the reason is exposed to the kickee, and if they disagree with the reason they can report it and someone can go look at the logs and see if it looks valid. If it’s not something that can be checked in the logs, it’s quite possibly a BS reason like “you’re a blood elf with blond hair”. If the reviewer determines that the kick was bogus, the kickers get penalized somehow. (In the extremely unlikely case that it gets determined fast enough, the kickee’s deserter debuff can be removed.)

I got kicked once. Was on my Hunter and was doing a world boss. Forgot to turn off the pet taunt. You know, it was a brand new alt that I really hadn’t grouped with anyone to level and so just flat out forgot about the pet taunt. I felt bad about it as I SHOULD have known better. Worked out though, because the next world boss group I joined, after I turned off pet taunt, I got a nice trinket. And I made a mental note to check that every time I joined a group from then on. Getting kicked isn’t always bad.

I mean. Are their jerks who vote kick? Sure. But unfortunately the system is needed. Does no one else remember the days of Cataclysm where tanks and healers would take the group hostage demanding to be kicked so they could just requeue because they didn’t want to run Grim Batol? (this was before kicking gave deserter). It was changed to prevent that.

Is the system perfect? Absolutely not. Is vote kick abuse as wide spread as the vocal minority clamor on about? Absolutely not. Regardless, if you get vote kicked out of a group, it doesn’t matter why, simple fact is the other members decided they didn’t want you there.

The system also already has its own ways to combat trolls just kicking people left and right. Each time you vote kick someone, the time before you can kick someone else increases. It works for the person kicked too, which is why its not too uncommon to see trolls just being jerks in dungeons who cant be kicked for X more minutes.

It’s really not hard to not be kicked though. I’ve literally been kicked once since the system was first added. People who get kicked a lot really need to evaluate themselves, instead of the community and the system we all use.

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Hmm, I do like the FF14 model where you know you can’t just kick someone for the fun of it, you have to give a legitimate reason (they are afk, harassment etc) you can’t just kick someone for being a ‘bad player’.

I know mythic+ isn’t popular due to the time limit as it feels like too much of a rush for a lot of people, but I’ve never had an issue with the 90 minute time limit in FF14 dungeons.

im tempted to go back since you only need one character

Exactly. If you’re getting kicked regularly, maybe there is a You issue and not a VTK issue.

I mean, about the only time I really see VTK these days is when warfronts come around and people try and simply go AFK.

They typically get spotted and someone votes to kick them. Even if warfronts are easy, don’t go AFK, it goes faster for everyone if you contribute.

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What if they just hit yes to keep the loudmouth tank from continually crying over some perceived slight of because someone wouldn’t hand over some piece of loot? What is they hit yes so that they would not be the next one tantrumed?

What if it wasn’t willing at all but just a response to one or two people’s dedication to holding up everything until they got their way?

Well since you asked, here is a possible community fix.

If the vote fails, the one initiating it gets kicked instead.

Just that. Simple.

But now when that tank rolls around and the ground stomping their little armored feet, the choices go from

  1. listen to this for the rest of the run.
  2. Just hit yes and move on


  1. Hit no and move on in peace

Elegant, simple and effective. Then we can really see what the majority wants to do. and those vote kick spammers might be moved to use it when it is actually necessary rather than at the first lack of talcum.

That wouldn’t actually fix anything.

You do a VTK because you feel the tank isn’t doing his job. Only one person person agrees with you. Wham, you get kicked because you didn’t get the majority.

That doesn’t solve ANYTHING.

Because it wouldn’t change the existing system. Three people would still be able to VTK someone for whatever reasons they see fit.

Also, fewer people would be willing to kick someone causing problems for fear that they won’t get the majority and THEY will be the one kicked out of the dungeon instead.

So they’ll just suffer with a problem player until they KNOW they can get the majority vote. That won’t fix anything.

That’s the dumbest solution for a non-problem I have ever heard

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I know some people don’t like the Leader Game Designer guy, (forget his full name, Ian something) but I think he was at least talking about moving towards a more FF14 style dungeon system where you can commend people for good behavior in dungeons, they just want to do it in a way that doesn’t put people at a disadvantage to group with a guild, that’s what they are trying to figure out.

I dunno, I’ve read some posts that would rank up there by certain persons.