Vote to kick abuse is real

Now people think I’m your alt too. The Broflakes are on to us.

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Broflake is your alt, too.

Stop arguing with yourself, weirdo.

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I’m sitting over here arguing with myself because I’m bored.

The Kesnal alt is the one that tells the truth and doesn’t try to make stuff up to fit my narrative.

The Broflake alt is the one who makes stuff up and can’t back up anything it says.

The Cladis alt is the one who antagonizes the thread.

The Wuzeh alt is the one that I use to try and make people believe I’m not posting on alts.

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Oh no?
Your petty actions don’t bother me Wuzeh.

You’re trying too hard to be witty and it just looks sad.

Just ignore it and it’ll go away.

Anyway, the vote kick system isn’t ideal, but I’m not quite sure what they could do to improve it, without implementing a different system entirely.

I’m trying to fish for more likes. It’s not working, is it?

Edit - It did work! :smiley:


How is that different than now, other than the sides complaining would switch. They need to think of something along the lines of, you get 1 free kick per day and after that all other kicks results in the kickers also receiving a debuff. Obviously this needs to be fleshed out but it took no more than a few seconds to come up with.

A lot of the problem can be solved by the community, but Blizzard would need to play along with a helping hand. Only so much a community can do without support.

Just passively aggressively respond to it and hope they do something flag worthy. ~_^

The system has been this way since 3.3 after the dungeon finder tool was implemented.
After complaints about rampant votekicking occurred, Blizzard responded by implementing a votekick history log. So if you votekick people often, abuse the system, you receive a ban for 2 hours on vote kicking.

Try not to assert your opinion as fact?
Don’t worry about it though, Wuzeh will give you likes I am sure since he’s still mad at me over some topic I don’t remember.

Nobody in their right mind wants a return to the old system when you’d get a primadonna tank (nothing against tanks personally) who would zone into a random dungeon, go “oh lord, not this dungeon. nope. not doign it. you guys kick me. i’m not moving.”

And the group would be forced to kick him and wait for a replacement. The problem was, the tank who got kicked got away scott free and if he was doing it just for the giggles and to troll, he’d hop right back into queue, get another group and repeat the process.

When one player can hold the majority of the group HOSTAGE, there is an issue.

The current VTK system was designed to get rid of that.

No, its not perfect. No such thing. We’re all human. And anything made by humans is inherently flawed.

But, its better than virtual hostage situations like we had in the past.

Go tell that Blizzard employee to stop asserting his opinions as facts around here. It’s not fair that they lie to us.

He didn’t give an opinion on the abuse of the system, he simply stated votekicks can be initiated with or without reason. That is an intentional misinterpretation of the statement.

Again, if the system could not be abused, you would not have a lockout from votekicking in several different areas instituted. If that isn’t enough to indicate Blizzard tried to refine the system to prevent abuse, then you’re just deluding yourself.

The VTK system isn’t perfect, but it is the best with what exists currently.

Edit: Congrats on the likes?

If it only takes 10 seconds to come up with a solution to this issue, then why didn’t you propose said solution?

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There has to be a problem for there to be a solution. :wink:

Patch 3.3.5 never happened on Moon guard I guess.

It doesn’t say who initiated the kick, and 99% of the time, vtk does out silently, in order as to not violate the no speaking in lfd rule.

And if they mandated solo queue, i know a lot of people thatll never do stuff like timewalking again.

So you want what? A griefer being able to veto them being kick while wiping a dungeon or LFR? You realize theres two sides to everything. That is why simply majority rules. It can be abused, but anything can be abused either way. It sucks when you are the person its abused on…but that is life. There is not system free from abuse potential…

Yes, it can be abused, but there’s a difference between “abuse” by legal definition and “abuse” by your definition.

On top of it, you’re equating Vermintide II’s vote to kick system to WoW’s. Big difference between the two is more often than not, WoW players will typically just ignore you if you’re doing your own things UNLESS it is a detriment to their progression. I’ve been in countless groups where I was kicked for various reasons, and I’ve been in countless more where I both voted to or was part of the voting. Comes with the territory of an online game like WoW and Vermintide II.

While it sucks, it’s part of the game, as bad as it can be. It’s best to shrug and move on. It’s what I learned to do.

“They may opt to initiate a vote to kick for any reason they wish, or no reason at all.”

No, it can’t be abused according to Blizzard.

Misquoting someone multiple times does not make it true dude.

Sadly that’s all it takes for them to wake up.