Vote to kick abuse is real

That you believe it is a factual statement is one.

You can put in stupid comments that make no sense and people will agree with you and kick randoms for no reason. lol

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Tell me, wise one, how weā€™re able to abuse the vote to kick mechanic.

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So playing another game changed your mind about vote to kick - sounds like a legitimate reason to change this game.

If it takes 10 seconds to come up with a solution - go for it and it will be shot down as not an improvement. You can try though.

right clicks personā€™s name and types anything he wants. Watches it go through because he is the tank and they want to appease him.

That still isnā€™t abusing the mechanic. I can vote to kick anyone I want to. I can vote kick you because youā€™re a male blood elf with blonde hair and Iā€™m within the guidelines.


Posting in a Tuiie thread!

That would be an abuse of the votekick system.
This is why, based on your votekick history, you can be banned from votekicking for 2 hours.
If vote kicking could not be abused, such a restriction would be unavailable. So you are incorrect factually, and youā€™re incorrect because you immediately displayed how the system might be abused. Thusly, you killed your own argument. Good job.

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No, itā€™s not.

No, you canā€™t. You literally just made this up. EDIT ^ā€“I misread this. You can be stopped from initiating more votes but it still isnā€™t abuse.

Nothing I said was false.

Thank you, come see me and weā€™ll try this again when you have an argument to stand on.

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I wonder if you do not know the definition of abuse.

Soā€¦even though there is a system to prevent you from initiating a votekick due to abusing the system, it doesnā€™t mean its possible to abuse the system.
I laughed.

A fact is a statement which cannot be debated.
You stated you made a factual statement.
That in itself was false.

ā€œLet me act like I won when all I did was repeatedly say NU UH, over and over again while ignoring facts.ā€.
Sounds about right.
I am not interested in arguing with a meme, so I will grant you the last word since you desperately require it.


Literally cannot abuse the vote to kick mechanic. Please see the following blue post.

ā€œIt certainly isnā€™t something that we condone, but why a vote to kick is initiated or passes is not a factor. They may opt to initiate a vote to kick for any reason they wish, or no reason at all.ā€

Go tell that Blizzard employee heā€™s a liar.

You donā€™t even have to apologize to me for being so dead wrong, itā€™s cool.


I am sure most people have experienced a vote kick at some point.

I had it happen to me when I disconnected. It took me some time to reconnect only to find I had been kicked. I was pissed but not at the group who kicked me. I was pissed more at the fact I lost connection.

I was in a random group who all have their own schedules. I canā€™t be mad at them for kicking me and wanting to move on. They could have waited to see if I reconnected but that would have been a courtesy at that point.

If the shoe is on the other foot I am usually one that is hesitant to hit that kick button. Whether itā€™s a player disconnecting or someone that is new to a particular dungeon? I am willing to give them a chance.

I havenā€™t even been vote kicked this xpac and I have 8 120s who I mostly levelled in instances.

I feel like people who have it happen all the time might be the common factor.

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i hate when people bring facts to a argument lolol

Abuse: To use for a bad effect or misuse for a negative purpose.
So based on the definition yes the votekick system can and has been abused.

Furthermore, I love how you guys competely ignore the fact that Blizzard instituted a ban on initiating vote kicks based on your history in wrath.
If it were not possible to abuse, a restriction would not be placed.
Logic is not hard.

Now I observed you brought up this quote, and I enjoy how you ignored the blackmail aspect.

The Blue text response was in regards to someone being threatened with being kicked if they were not pulling their weight.

This is entirely different from being kicked for playing a blood elf male, which would result in a 2 hour ban from initiating vote kicks.

Furthermore, why would you like your own post?

Naw, it just makes you one. The very quote you posted was in response to kick threat/blackmail. It is in the literal quote you pulled.
I wasnā€™t going to respond until you pulled an alt to like your own post.

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Thatā€™s a whole lot of words that mean absolutely nothing. Iā€™ll just sit over here with the gold tokenā€¦

ā€œIt certainly isnā€™t something that we condone, but why a vote to kick is initiated or passes is not a factor. They may opt to initiate a vote to kick for any reason they wish, or no reason at all.ā€

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Iā€™m pretty sure this isnā€™t ā€˜by designā€™, but Iā€™m with you on the mob-rule thing being generally stupid.

It can go in your favor, or just kick you out without reason, itā€™s super dependant on the dice you roll when you get joined up with random dudes.

Vermintide 2 is an amazing game, though. I wouldnā€™t boycott them over something this trivial.

lol? Iā€™m not here to fish for likes or friends. I donā€™t care who ā€œlikesā€ a post of mine. Are you being serious? lol

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I liked your post just to spite him.

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Sorry, I will use less big words.

GM said you can kick for any reason.
GM not say you cannot abuse system.

Blizzard make rule to ban abuse of system.

I laughed too at the desperation