Vote to kick abuse is real

So I actually changed my side in this argument. For the longest time I was on the side of, get over it buttercup if majority wins majority wins.

Then I played vermintide 2, where I would spend a ton of time carrying a group, just to be kicked and lose all rewards and waste time. Then be messaged on steam taunting me because we’ll who cares?

I wrote fatshark an angry letter and will never purchase another product because by design they allow this to happen

WoW has a similar problem, the designers SANCTION greifing and rather than spending 10 seconds to come up with a solution, they just allow abuse to continue. It is shameful


Now you know the pain Hunters go through.


What’s your solution?

The best thing I could think of in 10 seconds was:

  • Track progress of a dungeon via boss kills
  • Kicking after at least half the bosses are dead requires a unanimous vote

And that still doesn’t solve 4-stack premades abusing their power to VTK if they want to. You can’t take that power away from them either because then the 5th player can grief all they want if they realize they’re in a dungeon with a full group.

Which leaves, what, forced solo queue for LFD? Is that where this is leading?


I agree with your suggestion on how to improve the system.

oh wait… you didn’t make one… and just complained.



Lol, “I don’t care unless it happens to me”.


I have a feeling I know where this thread is going to go…

grabs bucket of popcorn

Man, the full moon certainly is continuing to make things weird around here…

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hunters deserve it


I never said they didn’t deserve it :wink:

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Ways to avoid being vote kicked…

  1. Don’t join random groups.
  2. Form your own group, then you, as group leader, can invite and kick as you want.
  3. Join a pug by invitation. No vote kicking in formed groups. Oh wait, now the group leader has sole capability to kick, no vote needed. So if you get kicked, at least it wasn’t a vote kick.

It’s not abuse if all 4 willingly voted to remove you.

Oh wait, you’re talking about a completely different game. Ignore this then.


I’ve only been kicked from anything pve in BFA like once. In pvp you can get kicked more often, but shouldn’t ever feel bad about it. If people start raging, then they need an attitude adjustment.

If you’re getting kicked from pve content then you need to up your skills or rework your character. But don’t take it personally, the only content that will lock you out is heroic dungeons and anything below that. And I never took either seriously.

In other words, it wasn’t a problem until it was your problem. Got it. Although most people don’t flaunt hypocrisy. :man_shrugging:


So because something happened on some other game you are going to come and complain about a “similar” system on a different game that youve aparently never had any issues with prior? Cause that makes sense…

Abuse of vote to kick is not that common. And trying to fix it will just create a bigger problem. You people dont even think of the consequences of your actions or have any solutions to the issue. You think there is a way to create a magical world where nothing bad ever happens and every system is totally abuse proof, and someone else needs to figure out how to make that happen.

That system doesnt exist. Everything has a downside and you just have to go with the lesser of all the evils.

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You can’t abuse the vote to kick feature, OP. Not wanting to play with certain players isn’t abuse, it would be abuse to them if they were forced to play with you.


Idk, its kinda humorous when you have a premade and someone gets smart. Not that I do it anymore but once upon a time was good times for the kickers

Fatshark is (or was) actually quite pro-active in banning players who abused the system in the past.

When you wrote them did you provide screenshots of the post-kick harassment?

That said - the system itself is OK. It’s like any other tool, and can be misused. All it would take is blizz cracking down on the abusers to fix it …

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Since vanilla I’ve only been kicked once and it was when I tried fire mage DPS with a raid. If you do your job, you don’t get kicked (except the rare occasions.)

Speak your posts outloud before hitting enter.

I’m not sure what you’re getting at.

Okay, you got me. I reread it about 6 times. What’s wrong with my factual statement?

sometimes i just dont like a players name or class or playstyle
so i vote to kick just to be a doooche
why? cause i can so what? get used to it
blame the guys that blindly agree with my vote and the kick goes THROUGH cause of :stuck_out_tongue: