Vote kicks and why they're fine bullet point edition

If you have the guide function on, they have little murlocs above their heads.

Although I’m not sure what triggers someone to have that above their head. I know if you’re on a new account below 80 it will do it. Other than that? Idk.

Can always do something else in game or in a diff game or something else entirely.

Personal problem.

It should simply be more difficult to start votekicks and to say yes to them. Like a confirmation box where you type in a specific word in order to kick someone, with no or decline being instant to get rid of the pop-up.
If someone is actually deserving of being kicked, people will take the time to type in the word.

If I want to run dungeons and Blizzard bans me from doing that because they want to punish me for being kicked from a dungeon by trolls I would absolutely play another game. In fact, I did that for over 3 years when it happened to me in WoD, and if it weren’t for M+ I’d have done it again last time it happened to me during this expansion. Blizzard doesn’t get to tell me how I spend my time in the game.

It depends why they kicked you out. Some people do deserve to receive a punishment beyond just removal based on how they acted in the group. Like the tanks and healers who would refuse to play the random dungeon the game gave them back in wrath when group finder was initially added; that’s the genesis for why being kicked results in a deserter penalty, to curb that behavior.

Unfortunately it’s going to be impossible for an automated system to determine whether a person deserved to be kicked. And it’s simply not practical to expect Blizzard to manually review every instance of a vote kick to determine if subsequent penalty should be applied, not to mention the delay that would exist during which bad apples can continue to ruin the experience of others.

Unfortunately, this means Blizzard basically has to assume there was a valid reason why someone got kicked, even though sometimes there may not be. That’s why the policy is that if the majority wants you gone for any reason, you will be gone. In my experience, unless you upset the apple cart, players aren’t likely to kick you.

im not talking about myself i mean ppl in general lol