Vote Kicking As A Form Of Harassment

Did you even read his post? he said the tank was his guildie and wasn’t the one that initiated the kick, so no agro is off the table. Mechanics wrong? They said they were getting through just fine.


Sure getting along ‘just fine’ by some one isn’t the same to another. People oblivious to mechanics wont understand that.

I think I’ve been kicked out of a group maybe 5? times since it was implemented.

All my flagged posts have been flagged for “nothing.” But theres a reason for the people doing the flagging. When you grt vote kicked, the people voting also have a reason.


Dont worry Theon. I’d never flag you. We’re pals. Pals for life!

These are highly exaggerated and lack contextual evidence that the people complaining about being kicked are not in fact being malicious. I’ve run thousands of dungeons since the inception of vote-kicks. Majority of those are straight up pugs. I have never -once- been vote kicked. I’ve seen maybe 5 in 10 years get kicked that were not AFK or disconnected. I’ve even tried to kick people for poor performance or clearly being half-afk. The votes for those nearly ALWAYS get declined.

People are ridiculously forgiving when it comes to the group finder and kicking. You’re creating a problem that doesn’t exist. Even though statistically there are some people who do get kicked out of malicious intent, the great majority of people do not. If that were the case, the forum would be flooded with complaints by thousands of people daily. Blizzard would have been forced to fix or change the system.


All the flagged posts are just proving the point that vote kicking is never for nothing

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In all honesty, the only time I’ll ever accept a vote to kick (unless its painfully obvious a person needs to go) is all dependent on how funny the reason to kick is.

It’s a totally wrong way to look at it I know this. I’m probably part of the problem (though I never initiate a kick) but come on, some of the reasons to kick are just down right absurdly funny.

As a new years resolution, I hereby swear to not accept yes unless the reason is otherworldly funny in which case causes me to tear up from laughing.

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Especially considering how hard it is kicking afk people in BGs when no one wants them there.

Exhibit A, a player that doesn’t care that they’re ruining another players day by vote kicking them for no reason other than ‘lol’.


If getting booted from a dungeon ruins your day, you need to take a break. Step outside and get some fresh air. It’s not the end of the world so relax.


And warfronts. Occasionally I’ve tried to initiate that obviously afk guy and generally no-ones paying enough attention to care.

The game is supposed to be a break from RL, hence a hobby. Griefing and harassment should not be allowed.


Kicking you for an issue you caused isn’t harassment.


Griefing and harassment isn’t allowed, however, people not wanting to play with us is neither of those things.


Harassing you would be those in your group following you into every dungeon with the intention of vote to kicking you ever turn and chance they had. So no, it’s not harassment.

Clearly it wasn’t an issue, you already admit you kick people for no reason; and kicking people for no reason, or for reasons like a persons race, skin color, or where they’re from.


That would be ongoing harassment, and yes it’s harassment. Please learn the definition of both things.


My anecdotal experience is that it’s extremely hard to kick someone for any reason. I’ve even had trouble in the past kicking people who were offline for 5+ minutes. “they may come back” is the usual response. If you are getting kicked often and frequently, sorry to say, but the problem is usually you. Again, anecdotal, but I’ve never once been kicked in 14 years of playing this game.


People kicking another player from a queued instance for no reason, or for the reason of their race, skin color, or where they’re from is those things.