Vote Kicking As A Form Of Harassment

Yeah, I agree. I can only remember once or twice when a tank took my group hostage unless we kicked. I really wish there was a better system because people who get frivolous kicks and deserter on top is just adding insult to injury.

I really want to know what you all are doing to get vote to kick so often that this needs to come up as often as it does. I think out of the entire time playing WoW I was kicked from a group -maybe- 10 times in 14yrs. Thats because I was either afk to long or probably for being snarky or getting into an argument with someone and it happened to pass.

Nothing. They claim they do nothing and when someone disagrees they get their posts flagged.

I realise you’re very emotional about this but take a step back and think about what you’re asking for there. You want blizzard to spend a lot of money hiring, and then develop a system that does not currently exist, purely for the purpose of policing people’s behaviour. You want an enforcement solution to a social problem. You want everyone to behave just how you find acceptable or else someone in charge needs to come in swinging. Think for a moment where that sort of environment ends up.

Blizzard have been paring back the maintenance costs and resources, they have zero interest in going backwards. They want to spend their time and money on future development. They’ve given us the best tools they can think of to take care of ourselves. People don’t have to play with us if they don’t want to, and vice versa.


You can’t abuse v2k and it’s not harassment

Continuing the discussion from
[IE kick threats/blackmail]IE kick threats/blackmail - #5 by Vrakthris

Take these reports of getting kicked for no reason with a grain of salt. Nobody ever thinks that they are doing anything wrong or that they are the cause of problems.

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Greyhide linked this above, but I’m going to link it again as it is very pertinent to this discussion and recent:

It’s good to discuss things, but keep some of these points in mind like a group can kick for any reason or no reason. It’s not fair, but it won’t ever be fair. If the debuff was removed there would be a lot of nightmares and still make it worse, while people would continue to get kicked every once in awhile.

By the way, this is my take. This is an MMO with millions of people. Part of an MMO is the social interactions like when we join groups. Some of those interactions will be positive, but some will be negative and that is part of having social interactions. They can’t and shouldn’t even try to police it, unless it is a huge, widespread problem which if it was I’m sure they would step in.


It already does exist, and they already do it with Overwatch. Which does NOT have a subscription fee, and btw it’s a multi-billion+ dollar company. I am not emotional, so don’t resort to trying to trying to belittle me or any of my problems.


Yall know what you should do if you get kicked for apparently no reason? Get some ice cream.

Ice cream is definitely a problem solver. Just sit back, eat a little bit. You’ll notice your worries will just melt away (hehe) and go back for round two.

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This thread is hypocrisy at its finest.


I’ve only had one post of mine in these new forums flagged when someone disagreed. I found it quite odd that enough people thought an opinion was bad enough to flag but now I understand what happened. That’s why I try to tread lightly and I often sneak out of topics once the heat kicks up.

I would, but I’m lactose intolerant and those Lactaid pills are not cheap.

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Booze is a wonderful second option.

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As much as I love a good scotch, I don’t drink around my kids. Got a 3rd option?

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Making me work for this huh?

Ok. Entertain your kids with ice cream while you drink the booze.

Everyone wins, right?

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omg… genius! Why didn’t I think of that.

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I was running tw dungeons with a guildie tank yesterday and got vote kicked 3/4 of tje way through the dungeon. I was pulling #1 on damage, hadn’t said a word and the whole dungeon was running perfectly smooth. My guildie said over discord they were trying to vote kick me with the reason being “grievance”. Of course the other 2 numbskulls in the group vote yes and I’m kicked. I then whisper the member that initiated the vote and asked what the issue was. He said “if U dont kno then your to stupid to explain”.

My recourse? I had the tank initiate a vote kick on him which passed.

Now go on and have yourself a scotch my good sir!

Sounds like you might have been pulling agro, or doing mechanics wrong. Doing number one in DPS means you need to watch how you manage agro especially if its a new tank or undergeared.


But… I can’t unless I get kicked for no reason, remember? I honestly don’t recall ever being kicked. And why the heck are you a Mag’har Orc but your avatar is a BE?

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Well, then have yourself a scotch for being a good boy, my good sir.

And I’m infiltrating the Mag’har people so I can understand their way of life. Its week two and I’ve still gone undetected. My mission continues.

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