Vote Kicking As A Form Of Harassment

Read through the thread and find out, he stated earlier that no one ever gets vote kicked without a reason then he went on to a post saying he just tried it out in game.

I resort to saying things like that because you’re not actually reading the thread and instead foaming at the mouth and hitting reply on something you have no clue what you’re talking about. :slight_smile:


I can agree entirely with what you said. However, and this is the part you need to keep in mind. There are still a huge number of people playing this game. The queueing system works for most people almost all of the time. The odd time it doesn’t it can be brushed off with “jerks”. There is no way we know of to game the system to actively harass someone. If someone has continually negative experiences then perhaps we’re not getting the whole story here.

Under those circumstances, its not a good idea to harangue Blizzard for a change to a system that works, for one that will be more heavily moderated and quite likely fail in some other way.

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Just drag over and highlight what you want to quote and a quote button pops up and hit that.

Except he never did do that, and was already disproven in this thread. I will no longer be responding to you as you are not reading my posts and seem to be trolling me.


Thanks. :slight_smile:

People try to vote kick for really stupid reasons. I see it all the time, particularly running lower level dungeons. A tank tried to vote kick the healer in Uldaman after Ironaya stunned and killed him.

Thing was, when he was stunned , we were all stunned, including the healer. Granted, maybe the healer was too close and shouldn’t have gotten stunned to begin with , but come on, it is a very low level dungeon and getting twisted out of shape about that was just silly.

I do agree that many times, there is “more to the story.” It makes it hard for people who actually did tell the whole story to be taken seriously.

It’s pointless to lecture to Blizzard about it because they prefer to tell people what they want. Nobody will convince me that the current system isn’t crap however, it’s the system we have. I’m just lucky that I’ve never been kicked. It’s possible because I don’t say a word other than “Good morning/evening” at the beginning and “thank you” at the end. If I don’t know a fight, I don’t say a word. It keeps me off the radar.

I’m about to get a vacation for disagreeing. :slight_smile:

I thought you were talking to me. I was going to say “I didn’t flag anybody…” but scrolled up and saw his post hidden.

this has been happening a few times per day to me .
however it should be noted i do a air amount of IEs because it is all i find fun in game.
that being said i have never gotten a 30 min debuf the longest i had was like 12 min i think it was the normal dungeon cool down.

It happens in IEs because there are two different goals in IEs.(Farming drops, and ‘winning’). And going for one over the other will get you a kick. Which is absolutely acknowledged by Blizzard and they are fixing that Tuesday.


Hang on while I reach for the dictionary to see if this is an appropriate use of the word “irony”.

?? A player alone does not cause a persons post to become flagged and hidden.

No, but their alts do.

Clearly they should be looking for a reason as to why this would occur, because it just doesn’t happen for no reason! Maybe they should do some soul searching? Just appears that their words are coming back to haunt them to me.

Or maybe people are playing a flagging game? Like I do with vote kicks. :slight_smile:

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Well, I guess if getting a thread locked is your goal, then they’re going the right way about it.

I only notice this behavior extreme during IEs and some LFG content the problem with it is some people just click yes because why not they don’t know this person most of the time if a kick doesn’t go through its mainly because people didn’t click anything. Another issue is we the players get to decide why we kick regardless if it actually warrants a kick. I have seen people try to kick tanks because they don’t pull fast enough or they didn’t skip a trash pack, or round up the whole area and let the group AoE them down. To kick someone because they are not playing the game style you like to play is dumb, personally I just think blizzard should remove the deserter debuff. You cant really police vote kicks so it hink the best possible solution is that removing the debuff.

We already tried that system and it failed hardcore. People (primarily tanks and sometimes healers) who didn’t want to do a dungeon would bait the kick so they could requeue for dungeon roulette until they got the one they wanted.


In which cause they should have been reported, and once people got actioned for it; it would stop! Woah.