Vote Kicking As A Form Of Harassment

Clearly you did not, you’re not logged in.


Yeah, I should make a compilation video games of me and my friend playing our vote kick game.

I have my log in status as hidden. Because I get harrased for 2s carries.

That doesn’t do anything for specific characters, but please do try again.


If someone is that obsessed with someone else, getting them kicked from groups will not solve their obvious problems.

I would love to believe that it doesn’t. Just randomly kicking someone for no reason probably doesn’t happen very often but I would be a fool to assume it never does. The main focus is the frivolous reasons people make. Even if “by the rules here” they’re within their rights, it doesn’t make it “right.” I really do want to give good examples but people on these forums get triggered really easy and love to flag people for it.

Why does it matter if he is online or not?

I am online.

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You tend to have to be online to do dungeons and vote kick people.


Really? I had no idea!

But why does it matter to you if he is currently online?

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Because it disproves, by not being online, that it occured. He didn’t attempt to vote kick someone, and again it was just another lie since he’s been saying this whole thread people don’t get vote kicked for no reason.


So because I’m not online right now, it disproves that I never played a vote kick game with my friend over the weekend?

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A it doesn’t. It’s not like you are watching for my online status WHILE I WAS DOING IT. This is your logic. Look to see if I was online AFTER I did something to “prove it” while I have show offline on.

Also my tank was my worgen DK. NOT my holy paladin.

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You haven’t been online for the past hour and change, and since you said “I just did this” After saying it never occurs, yes it does matter.


Have you checked my DK? I haven’t been on this character since 12:30 pm EST since last night. As I logged onto it after I got through spamming Warfronts.

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All characters, yes.


Which characters? Because I’m playing my shadow priest right now.

Mostly vote kicks I seen are afk or disconnects… occasionally for griefers like last night we vote kicked someone out at the end of the dungeon because hunter kept pulling and we were queuing for another one and didnt want him to tag along.

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All of them, I already answered that. Please read posts before hitting reply, thanks.


And that would be the “gotta be doing something” line of doing something worthy of vote kicking.

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What’s my shadow priests name? My DKs?