Vote Kicking As A Form Of Harassment

In a premade group, sure. In a queued dungeon, not really. The person didn’t have a choice but to be grouped with said group and vice versa. Kicks should only occur in queued content for reasonable reasons and not unreasonable ones.


This right here. Do you think Blizzard has the man power to micro manage all of the instanced queued content that happens every day? If they say something that violates the rules you can right-click report but otherwise how would you determine if “abuse” of the vote-kick happened

Kicking you because you are a furry from moonguard isn’t harassment. It just means at least 3 other people don’t want to play with you.

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Quick question, why did Blizzard ban an add-on that blocked groups from particular servers because they didn’t want to group with anyone from those servers?

Basically, you’re saying it’s okay to kick someone from a queued dungeon for any reason up to and including becauase of their race, skin color, or where they are from.


I get what you’re saying but even if you shrug something off, that doesn’t mean the other person was not harassing you however, if someone does shrug it off, that’s just like sweeping it under the rug. Either it didn’t bother them or they’re not vocal enough to say something.

Never underestimate stupid people in masses. Yes, with the current system, a group can kick for whatever reason they want. I’ve already linked where Blizzard said this but the point we’re making is that it doesn’t automatically make the decision “right” or “ethical.” While harassing kicks may not happen often, they do happen. If someone did nothing wrong, they technically shouldn’t be kicked however, the group hates the person’s transmog, so he’s kicked. It’s one of those things that if you say it out loud, you realize just how stupid it is (unless you’re a fan of anarchy).

Reasons I will start a vote to kick you:

You repeatedly pull way more trash than is necessary.
You consistently do less dps than should be possible with just auto attacks.
You are annoying, self-righteous, or refuse to take advice.
You engage in trade chat politics.

The listcan go on, but in general it boils down to one thing. If you dont pull your weight, I dont want you in the group.

Good luck trying to police a system like vote kick. As it stands, if the majority of the group dont want you in it, why should you be forced on them?


Again, who is to determine what is reasonable and what is not? You? Me? Bad things can happen when people interact. I’d choose people solving their own issues over jackboot moderation any day. Like I say, the amount of times someone would be kicked for stupid reasons would be so low as to be inconsequential. A few stupid kicks, well… get over it. It happens. If its happening more than that, then maybe there’s some honest soul searching to be done.


I’ve seen people posting that and come to find out it was the reset time. Don’t be so quick to accuse someone of lying, sheesh: roll_eyes:


Why should you be forced to get a deserter debuff, wait another 30 minutes to queue, another 20-50 minutes in queue, because someone didn’t like your transmog, your character race/skin color/server?


No I am not saying that - we don’t know what your race, color or where you are form. People only know in the game you have chosen to make a furry on moonguard and have based their decision on that. I am not sure in game assessments like that are on the same level as discrimination based on any of the above things you mentioned.

In any case, according to blizzard people can be kicked for any reason so yes not wanting to play with a furry from moonguard who is also a hunter btw (another strike) is okay.

See above link and quote from blue for PROOF.


Okay, I’ll wait for you to find that evidence as i’ve requested multiple times in this thread. If you can’t, then no. Bye


“if you get kicked more than once for being from MG or playing a worgen maybe you should do some soul searching.”

Lets fix that up a little, to make you understand just how bad what you said is.

“If you get kicked more than once for being from Brazil, or playing a darker skin-tone, maybe do some soul searching.”


Aren’t you quite the charmer, you must be quite the life of the party


People who don’t know what bad kicks are… are usually contributors to the problem. If someone is oblivious to right/wrong, they’re the ones who need to do the soul searching.

Yes you are, and you just admitted to it for a second time.


So I just tried vote kicking people out and was 0-3. Three different groups three different dungeons. Each kick wasn’t successful. The reason was “lol”. No one voted for it and someone said I was a jerk for trying.


I actually wonder sometimes if posters realize they do often get remember in-game from their posts on this forum and if that may be contributing to their getting ‘kicked’.

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I’m not confusing a democratic decision with mob rule here. There are only 4 other people in an instance. I’m not denying it can happen, I’m sure it does. What I am questioning is that it can happen repeatedly to the same person given the structure of the queueing system without the person at the center of it creating that situation in some way.


Haha, do you have proof of this?

I could make videos with “proof” and just not present the kicks that went through.

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