Vote Kicking As A Form Of Harassment

Where is your Christmas spirit? :frowning:

There are three people in this thread who saw these threads. And you still are claiming this never happened - I am guessing you also claim to have read every thread on this forum and have remembered them all.

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Hey, you’re the one claiming to do that not me. If so many people saw them then it would be easy to find, no? There are multiple people here in this thread saying they’ve never seen it, nor those threads; and as you and another claim that no one ever gets kicked without a reason.

See what I’m getting at? I’ve already deconstructed your argument and had you defeat it on your own!

lol, what’s that saying about playing chess with pigeons.

Congrats on calling yourself a pigeon, I guess?

Can’t we just get along and have Christmas spirit? I know it’s Monday and all. No need to be cranky.

This right here is the crux of it. The system can’t be gamed to allow for “harassment”. At least I haven’t figured out a way. If it’s happening enough to get panties in a bunch then some self reflection is in order.


It’s not harassment. We are not all meeting to conspire against you.

You got kicked it happens, move on.

Clearly they did conspire against said person, hence the vote kick for no reason. Since you agree conspiring against someone = harassment, in this case it would be considered harassment by you.

By definition, it can be harassment but maybe not by Blizzard’s definition. And you don’t have to necessarily conspire or any other hyperbole.

Yes, they got kicked, not moving on because people want to bring to light the flaws in the system.

No it can’t. Harassment as a legal term requires systematic or continued actions. Something that can happen only once cannot be mangled into harassment. If it’s happening many times then either there’s a club with a memo circulation I’m not a party to, or there is more than likely a consistent component to each of these events. In this case, the person being kicked.


So it’s not sexual harassment unless someone does it twice?

Getting way out of line into hot button topics there sport. Assault and harassment are not the same thing.


There’s a difference between assault and harassment, not sure what you’re trying to get at or if you’re just getting really confused. No one explained anything here that could be construed as talking about assault instead of harassment.

What I’m saying is, harassment doesn’t become so until the person who is on the receiving end has indicated they want it to stop. This is in part due to the subjective nature or interpretation of what might be misunderstood actions or behaviour. Repeated by nature. Assault has no such limitation.

Harassment actually does not make any such requirement of needing the person receiving said things to tell the other to stop, you may want to read up on the definition of it.

Who actually wants harassing behavior to continue?

You misunderstand. Things are rarely that clearly defined. Its entirely subjective what one person will just shrug off and another will be offended by. The intent of the people kicking in this instance may be looking for a smooth run the person was disrupting in one way or another. That doesn’t make it automatically harassment just because the person on the receiving end didn’t like it.

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If it’s for a reason that’s unreasonable it is. Like say, for playing on moon-guard, or playing Worgen. That’s called harassment.


Who are you to say what is reasonable? Blizzard have put it in the hands of the majority. While that may not be perfect its the best of what’s been tried to date. If someone’s behaviour or actions are unwelcome then the group has the right to remove them, no matter how offended the recipient might feel about it.