Vote Kicking As A Form Of Harassment

Ok, you don’t believe it. Cool! The nice thing about someone not believing you is that it doesn’t make it magically disappear from history.

As I said, it’s not like it happens daily or even weekly. Honestly, I’ve only seen it happen once since BFA was released. Someone posted DPS meter after a boss and initiated the lowest DPS and put “lol”. I voted no and it failed. I hoped someone else voted no too.

Me and my friend were playing our vote kick game this weekend.

I won with 34 successful vote kicks for absurd reasons.

He had 27.

According to Amine, you’re not being truthful.



A lot of people don’t know that the dungeon servers reset during the daily reset. I’ve had to explain several times.

I get what you’re trying to do but it doesn’t stick.

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Still waiting on that evidence.

Person in this thread who believes that people do not kick others for unjust reasons.

I have this bridge…

I have seen people make threads on this forum saying they were kicked and then in the thread they find out it was a server reset.

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Still waiting on that evidence.

That’s not what we’re talking about. When someone initiates a vote and puts “lol” something similar, it wasn’t a server kick.

I never said it didn’t happen but it doesn’t happen very often. If you recall I asked you if it was the same person because yes I can see the odd troll doing something like this every so often but when you queue with thousands of people it is silly to focus on the negative situations and ignore the positive or uneventful ones.

That’s what the worgen was talking about.

I will find it if you promise never to post on this forum again on any character.

I suspect that most of the players defending this behaviour are actual perpetrators themselves.

You said it’s unbelievable but I honestly don’t care when someone doesn’t believe me. As I said, the nice thing about someone not believing you is that it doesn’t make what you said untrue.

We’re not necessarily “focusing” on the negative things, just remembering when they happen. People being courteous is something you appreciate but don’t necessarily store in the memory bank as it doesn’t stick out to your mind as being… out-of-the-ordinary. Some of the crappy things people do, that’s another story.

Clearly it is, given that the player Am wants to hinder my enjoyment of the game among other things but saying they don’t want me to post on the forums ever again.

I’ve seen those threads too, and it also happened to me. I have only been booted a couple of times and one of those was a server reset. Took me a few minutes of pearl clutching to realise though.

I’m not convinced that kicks are unjustified that often. I’ve seen kicks with “lol” in the title but the reason was quite obvious to the group. Sometimes they’re just too mouthy and grinding everyone’s gears, or failing in such an overt way that no explanation was necessary. The bottom line is I’m dps mostly and unlikely to notice someone else’s chronic failures as fast a healer or tank who’s having to carry them. With a tank or healer putting up a kick vote there is also the implied, “them or me” even if it isn’t openly stated.

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I have to get some satisfaction from spending hours hunting up ‘proof’ for you. There are two people who have seen this happen probably more yet you want people to go spend hours hunting for ‘proof’ without gaining nothing.

I’ve had to VK some truly horrible people both from a playing standpoint and just out right douche canoes. Both scenarios I stand behind when used appropriately but there is and never will be a way to govern all people and how all people act. Society does, to a certain extent, need to govern its self. Thus my still backing of vote kicking, but it is also your job as a group mate to voice your concerns if it is being abused while in the group.

Holding on to it afterwards is only hurting yourself, let it go and move forward as you will not change what already happened. Be a voice of reason if others are trying to kick someone you don’t agree with that is the only way to start change. Little bit of effort on everyone’s part.

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It’s for yourself, since it was your argument/debate. You don’t do it, I’ve already gained from it because it proves that your claim didn’t occur.

By not finding that evidence that you claimed to see, it actually benefits me. So you have fun with that!