Vote Kicking As A Form Of Harassment

You’re right, I should have worded that better.

That second part was removed some time ago, and the cooldown is mostly non-existent on kicks outside of the first say 5 minutes of an instance. Seems less in Islands… and in queued content it wouldn’t be hard at all. They don’t give a reason to kick? Then it was abused.

Kinda is, since it’s queued content.

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Then the trolls would get actioned, not the person baited into kicks. There’s literally no way they can ‘bait’ kicks and troll without being found out easily.

For dungeons? Be DPS, wait 20-50+ minutes, get into a dungeon, 5 minutes in get vote kicked for ‘being from moon guard’ or ‘being a furry’. 30 minute CD, and another 20-50+ minutes in queue. That’s a lot of wasted time, that very much does effect a players experience of this game especially if that was all the time they had to play the game for the day.


Which is why the system is so crude. People already troll people by goading so they can be justified in taking action. I see people on here who goad others so they can report them and get them silenced or banned.

It sucks that I know why this is but can’t say it or I could be banned.

And how often does this happen ? I have moonguard characters and only once did anyone make any kind of comment about my server and I was never kicked for that.

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For MG specfically I’ve been kicked 3 times, and seen others kicked an additional 4. For other things like being a furry or playing Worgen, add in a couple extra. People kick people just because they can ruin someones day and it’s allowed.

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I’ve been playing since Vanilla and I’ve never seen this happen.

You have to do something to get kicked.


Yes, clearly you have to do something to get kicked. No admission from anyone in this thread about kicking someone for playing x race or server.

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I’ve never seen that once in 14 years and across multiple MMOs.

I’m one of the few who have been playing since vanilla and isn’t lying about it (not saying you are) and I have seen it many times.

No, you do not have to actually do something to get kicked. I’ve seen people initiate kicks for the dumbest things. I’ve seen at least a half dozen times, someone initiate a kick and the reason was “lol.”

So you have seen 6 times people put ‘lol’ as a reason to be kicked ? Were these by any chance the same people because having that many different people do that grouped with you and I have never seen it seems sort of unbelieveable.

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I have achievements to prove it…

Anyways specifically I used to do dungeon runs as a tank for satchels and have probably do an extraordinary amount of dungeons. Way more than the usual person. Stuff like this just doesn’t happen. I’ve only ever seen DCs, AFKs, and people being absolutely toxic get kicked.

2 of my tanks are Worgen, my druid and DK. No one says anything about it.

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There’s literally no achievements for not kicking anyone for non-existent reasons or not being in groups that have done so.

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What are you talking about? I was just letting him know I have achievements to prove I played during vanilla.

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lol no it isn’t. I’ve seen others say very similar things. I read a post on here not long ago where someone even admitted they kicked someone and put the reason as “lmao”.

I’ve seen plenty of toxic/afk/dc people get kicked. Aside from that, yes, I’ve seen people get kicked for frivolous reasons. Granted, it doesn’t happen a lot but I do have a good enough memory to know that it’s happened enough. I’ve only seen someone kicked for asking how a fight goes once but that couldn’t have possibly been the only time it’s ever happened.

AND that you have never seen it happen, which I find to be a lie if you’ve ever played in queued content.

I guess “Can’t see someone get kicked for no reason if I don’t queue for dungeons” is true.


It is unbelieveable to me and people don’t always put the real reason for the kick in there anyway. I can see someone putting lol or lmao as a reason to kick someone who is really bad or clueless or even annoying in there.

I have put ‘…’ in there and had the kick pass because it was so obvious we just couldn’t complete a dungeon with that person in the group.

Look dude I’ve never seen it. That’s not a lie. You have to be doing something other than just playing the content you queued up for correctly.

A lot of people also mistake the server reset kicks as getting kicked a lot though.


I have literally never seen anyone think a server reset = getting kicked from a dungeon, and since you said a ‘lot’ of people you have to back that up with evidence.

So again, we find you lying.