Vote Kicking As A Form Of Harassment

you managed to include hyperbole, misrepresentation, name calling, misquoting, and failed logic… all in one post… grats?

The stupidity of my logic is the entire point. The system is flawed and if you don’t understand my pov from my post regarding the logic and therefore, the system as not making sense, then I can’t help you.

Except that my post included none of that (well maybe the name calling). It was exactly what you said that you did above. But hey, you do you.

I understand your pov, it just isn’t logical and makes you come off as a 12 year old throwing a tantrum because mommy won’t let you have a lolly. The system is the fairest way that Blizzard can do it so that it works for the majority of players. If you can come up with a better system then I’m sure they would love to hear it.

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didn’t see the words ongoing or continuous anywhere. and yes, it does happen. and yes, its fairly rare. doesn’t make it any less crappy or valid as a problem when it does occur.

Oh man, I hate to add fuel onto this fire again but … I had such an experience tonight on my druid, I had to laugh. @ Thèón was this one of your alts bro, bc it seemed a lot like they were playing your game :joy: Not once but twice this mage or his friend initiated a vote to kick with the reason being something re: the mage (“mage is afk” or “toxic mage”) when they were actually kicking our (faultless) tanks …

Screen caps pick up after first tank was removed, DPS pulled first boss, and our second tank had yet to port into instance. Goes from there 'til I left.

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I’d report them, except that second tank went all awkwardly-racist on me afterwards, and now I don’t know who I dislike more :rofl:

This sorta thing happened in the 4th or 5th year that WoW had been out. They were having a SERIOUS problem with “eBullies” and hateful speech being reported. The fix at the time? Ignore it. People that were playing the game just disappeared (I later found it was because their parents discovered what the environment was like - yes there was a time when parents didn’t want their teen agers subjected to trash-talk) from our guild. This is a bit like that. There were all of these “HE’S TOUCHING ME!!” complaints to supportand the Kick from Group solution was adopted. As to the frequency, I have to agree with many of the others I see here. It is not that often I see it happen, but I have indeed seen people kicked out just to yank their chain. To that end I have the personal rule to NEVER vote yes to kicking someone out of an island run simply on general principles. Not too long ago I was sent a message by aperson that was kicked in the game - busting me up for kicking them. I was not the person that instituted the kick and the other person suggested that that person was AFK. It turned out they had a little “family emergency” with a kid. I felt bad about that having raised two kids myself. I do believe that there is no easy solution to a situation where impatient, self absorbed people are playing a game they have experienced 8 or 9 times on so many different characters that will afford the people just trying to “experience the game” any kind of acceptance. Simply put, I believe there is never an excuse to do something to another person that is unkind - even if they do that sort of thing to me. So I do not kick any longer.

yeah, I was trying to heal again but that didnt last long.
Some jackwad tank is pulling everything in site, running like a douchebag on fire, and his DPS players are taking damage like they wanted to walk in the green crap just to see the healer cringe.
They die, I get kicked.
They can stand in queue for 3 hours for all I care.

Forums pretty much be like - "Here’s my entirely unverifiable post refuting your claim: “My subjective opinion supersedes any and all others and proves objective fact to be incorrect as well.” This sums up the response you’re going to get from the fan boys and die-hards who’d defend Blizz and WoW regardless of anything what so ever. Blizz could be running some Matrix like duo-verse thing and people would honestly be like “I don’t mind the feeding tube so much…”

I want to be mad at you for the necro but this thread was an amazing read. Wouldn’t have seen it if it wasn’t for you lol

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Or the more likely scenario is OP is the harasser and the group got fed up.

I’ve only seen a few vote kicks and they were mostly afks and one tank who kept being extremely rude to the healer in the group.

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For the same reason you get punishing rez timers for being chain-camped by 120’s in WM leveling in Darkshire.


This. I have never in all my years playing this game seen a person who was just going along get kicked. It is ALWAYS someone afk or someone being utterly obnoxious.

December 2018

Oh. My. Mercy. How on earth did a thread this old get revived? That’s…astonishing.

it’s 2 years later.

guess blizz is pro harrassment!

TOS has nothing to do with vote kick… Just saying

How did you find this post from a year and a half ago?

It’s called the “internet”.

I’m sorry, no one told me forums or the internet had a “cemetery”. You don’t have to read “necros” if you think you’re too good for it… :kissing_heart: