Vote Kicking As A Form Of Harassment

no i wasnt afk lol, we didnt even begin the dungeon when i was kicked.

Then why did you wait 3 minutes without pulling? They thought you were afk.

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Again, that simply isn’t even logical. DPS isn’t going to do something that is going to make their queue times even longer. If anything tanks usually get a longer rope.

Your face is a form of harassment.

As for the rest of your post, it’s been ripped to shreds so often it’s not even worth dealing with anymore.

He was afk and they kicked him. That’s all there is to it.


So you sat there and did nothing for three minutes?!? Yeah, like Theon said, they thought you were AFK and kicked you for not doing anything for three minutes.

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I’m autistic and even I managed to make friends to run dungeons to avoid being kicked because i’m slow. I haven’t graduated to forming raids though but I’m working on it.

Since people are having a lack of imagination here is how it went:
I joined as tank for first time and announced it to the others.
Vote kicked happened 10 seconds later

If you are ever on Terrokar hit me up, I’ll run with you.

You have to be in the dungeon for at least 3 minutes before vote kicking works.

Your lack of believable lies has nothing to do with my lack of imagination.

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Naw seriously dude, group lead and others drew sticks to kick me out.

So three minutes after everyone queued in (which is how long it takes to initiate a VTK), you said, “hey guys first time tanking LOLOLOLOL” and then ten seconds after that they kicked you? I mean why did you wait three minutes first of all?

Second of all, yes there are people that will kick a tank if they come in and announce that they are new. Some players just want to get in and run and go, they don’t want to have to wait for a new tank to learn how to tank. (I would also think that waiting three minutes to say something like that pissed them off too) You made it sound like it was a BfA thing. This has always been a thing.

If you want to run dungeons as a new tank you will either want to run with a premade group of friends, or form your own group.

If I ever come across you in an instance I might help you with your cause then.

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You can’t kick someone for 3mins. Period.

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lol, don’t give me a like, that wasn’t how I meant it - that means you dingledots.


I vote kick people without saying anything because they’re playing bad and i’m not here to carry. If enough of the group also feels the same way they get removed and if not then they don’t. You’re not entitled to a carry.

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Kick all the bads. Only way to get back at them for them kicking me when i solo’d the 3rd boss while they killed 2nd.

So you were kicked for a reason. And a very good one…

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good reason is subjective acording to blizz. You’re allowed to vote kick for any reason, so that means no reason is good or bad. They’re allllll the same :smiley:

Yes, but you were trying to say that your entire fit throwing of kicking everyone you come into contact with was because you were kicked for no reason. Running ahead of the group to be Mr. “Leet Look At Me Solo Everything” is actually a really good reason to kick someone.

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