Vote Kicking As A Form Of Harassment

Pretty sure if they where going to do something they would ramp up the punishment side back to how it was in data before allowing people to ticket kicks.

Its been a long time since we had the endless stream of I can’t kick for 2, 4,8 hours why is blizzard protecting them.

I got excited thinking this was the priest that i started a vote kick for in an island expedition earlier. It was heroic so 9000 azerite needed; kicked him at 8990. DIdn’t really have a reason other than the fact that he rubbed me the wrong way at the beginning. Saying things like “come here” or “I need help killing this” is very distracting from the solo experience I strive for in my IE’s.

Don’t worry though the kick wasn’t in vain… a hunter joined in at 8994 about 2 secs before we finished. At least the rewards went to someone who deserved them.

BTW… although I’m trying to say this in a way that makes people mad, this did happen. I started the vote, the rando warrior voted yes and said “lol”, the priest really wasn’t toxic or anything imo. I once got booted from an island for going off on my own to solo big groups so I tried vote kicking out of spite and it works so… why not.

When i got my ticket answered from when I got kicke a while back, you know what the GM told me? He said that the right to vote kick anyone you want with no reason is something they want to preserve, because they believe players should be able to play with only the people they desire to play with.

Not joking. So now I just do things like this out of spite for the system or when someone irritates me cause apparently I can and its fine if I do.

Thanks blizz your system is amazing! :smiley:

“I’m morally opposed to this thing, so now I do this thing all the time… just to be a jerk.”

Congrats. You’re what’s wrong with this game.


You obviously didn’t catch the sarcasm in the post. I’m not doing this out of spite against players, I’m doing it out of spite of Blizzard and their broken system that allows this mistreatment of players. The fact that I can start a vote kick BY MYSELF and other players get a pop up asking for their vote, and the fact that I can MAKE UP any reason I want, and then that person can get kicked for ANY REASON and THE KICKED person gets the only reprimand with a 30 min debuff for “leaving an instance early”. What a joke. Blizzard doesn’t seem to have any intention of changing the system either (the response I recieved in my original ticket on the subject). I partake in the worst abuse of the system because: A. it’s allowed. B. it outrages people into giving negative feedback on it which will hopefully make them change it.

Stress the cracks until things break. There’s collateral damage sure, but eventually the effects will cause change.

So… you mistreat players to show Blizzard that you want them to remove the ability to mistreat players?

How are you sending a message to Blizzard? How is Blizzard being made aware of your opposition to unjustified VTKs? How are you punishing anybody other than the poor shlubs you’re giving the boot to?

Your logic-fu is weak. You are still what’s wrong with this game.


I mean It’s actions like mine that inspired the maker of this post to… well… make this post. So if people like myself keep up the martyr work of being the bad guys, then eventually enough attention will be brought and maybe Blizzard will change things.

Well, aren’t you just a regular Rosa Parks. :roll_eyes:


If you’ve found yourself the ‘victim’ of frequent vote kicks, maybe the problem isn’t ‘harassment’…


Do your parents know that you are on the computer again? Do they need help setting up parental controls?


People, try running tank for the first time in a bfa dungeon. I tried tanking for the first time ever on bfa as a warrior and was kicked instantly.

Strange, since VTK has been around for like eight years now. It is especially weird since DPS have to usually wait longer to find tanks and healers. Those are usually the last people they would kick. If you are getting kicked instantly as a tank you must have quite a reputation, or it was a glitch and you weren’t voted out.

Oh no, i remember specifically being kicked just because of being new.

last TW dungeon session I voted “no” for a votekick on one player then a few minutes after it failed I got removed!

How do you know? The game doesn’t tell you what you were kicked for.


So the DPS, who normally have to wait a long time in queue just to get into a dungeon, just came in and kicked the Tank to then wait even longer… And did this right away because as soon as you got in they instantly knew you were new?

That doesn’t make any kind of logical sense.

it was on the alliance side my dude, common sense runs low in the alliance

So how do you know you were kicked for being new?

besides not even clearing the first round of mobs?

So you sat afk for 3 minutes to get kicked.

It takes 3 minutes for VK to become available to use on a dungeon.

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It has nothing to do with what side it is, it is the same logic. I can tell you DPS is not zoning into dungeons and instantly kicking the tank or the heals for no reason. You sure it wasn’t after a boss or two and them kicking you because you didn’t know what you were doing?