Vote Kicking As A Form Of Harassment

I’ve played since Vanilla buddy. I mean, you could have checked and at least learned I had achievements from when they were first finally released in 2008, which would have already given you that answer.


You can stop liking your posts with your own characters anytime now.


They started changing the system long before the right click report went in.

Yep they were trying to kick a moon guard player for ‘not rping’ during a raid encounter, and the person they were doing it to actually doesn’t RP at all.

I would be ok with a week long wait on a ticket if it meant the person who kicked incorrectly gets a 30 day kick ban.

So was the person kicked or not? From what I see it could have been a joke.

No one said anything about MG until the player said it was probably because they were from MG. Then it looks like someone started to joke about kicking the Moon Guard player for not RPing. Not that it actually matters, the GROUP didn’t want to play with the person. They are allowed to do so.


Then it would take less people to make a majority kick…

If you have 3 out of 5 in a group with this ban you’re giving dictatorship to one person. Probably why you aren’t in charge of this stuff.

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Trying and actually succeeding the vote kick are two different things. I can only imagine this is in LFR as well. I honestly don’t know what you’d expect in a place that is filled with trolls and people that just want to rush and get done.

They don’t even ban for 30 days for profanity… You are delusional. At most it would be a warning and maybe a three day ban for a second or third offense. And it isn’t just your ticket that would take over a week, people that actually needed help would be waiting a week too.

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You know it’s funny many times I am playing around on my hunter I get randomly VK’ed a lot for being a Hunter. Never kicked as a tank or heals, sparsely on lock.

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I can count the number of times I’ve had to vote kick someone on my hands, in all my years of playing. It’s a very rare occurrence me. Now have I sometimes had to kick multiple people? Yes. One particular example was a tank that refused to tank in bear form, or change out of resto spec despite quing as the tank, and their dps guildy who kept voting no.

The moral here is, if you’re getting kicked constantly it might be a you problem.


I say this as a hardcore Moon Guard role player, but, um. Being a Moon Guard roleplayer isn’t a protected class. Blizzard has said that you can get kicked for any reason by majority rule, even dumb ones.

Is it a dumb reason? Sure. But it’s allowed.


Want to troll kick someone? Get a feel of a groups political beliefs, find the one person that disagrees with the rest of the group and then vote kick them. If they are on the right claim that they are a racist( doesn’t matter if it’s true, people on the left are stupid) and if they are on the left claim they hate Trump(again doesn’t matter if it’s true, people on the right are stupid). Everyone is stupid and impulsive ideologues so this actually works.

Now, the real issue is Blizzard doesn’t take any effort to prevent troll kicking. This has been a known issue for a long time and nothing has been done. If the community complains loud enough something will eventually be done EVENTUALLY. Blizzard is basically that lazy spouse that refuses to take out the garbage on their turn, so they have to be nagged for days on end.

To the people saying you’ve never seen this happen I suggest you go out of your to disagree with the tank or healer (depending on what class you play, and don’t be toxic), or say something edgy. You won’t get kicked in all of your games because most people aren’t crazy @#$holes who can’t hear an opinion without freaking out, but eventually you will.

I’m not really sure what Blizzard can do, because a lot of this is the community finding ways to be toxic towards each other in ever more creative ways.

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Hey Doc, it hurts when I keep poking this red hot knife into my eye… make it stop hurting.

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People who complain about vote kicks according to them are alway the best ops who did nothing wrong.

Its 3 votes to 1. Yes sometimes vote kicks are unfair. Perhaps 1-100/1-1000.

If the get a time lock its because they got vote kicked before the first boss died, chances are players where quite motivated to kick them.

The reality is 99% of vote kick are because someone was afk or dc’ed

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Its only ever happened to me once. In Legion Blackrook Hold. Voted out because I fell down the stairs with falling rocks. Lol

Causing drama in a group is a valid reason to kick people.


In tbc we ticketed a broken group quest and had a gm turn up in person(gnome in a white robe) before we left <5 minutes. Sometimes the ticket system has been slow, sometimes it has been fast, the new system is more efficient but that does not mean that before they changed it was always horribly slow.

Correct it wasn’t always slow, but when there were widespread issues or when a new patch came out they were notoriously long. Adding another work intensive task (because an actual GM would have to investigate every ticket made for this) would create a huge bottleneck.