Vote Kicking As A Form Of Harassment

Yes, but your way of doing things are not everyone’s way of doing things. Everyone is always trying to ram their way of thinking and doing onto others as if they have it all figured out.

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Except back then there weren’t CRZ you know, people had reputations in their servers and you didn’t have to worry about needing to kick people for afking, refusing to change specs, or whatever else.

Then you are either lying or you don’t actually remember how it was. Ticket times were in the days and sometimes took a week or more. It’s one of the main reasons they re-did the ticketing system. People used to open tickets that simply said “HELP” or “Tell me a joke” or “This Warlock is ninjaing all the soul shards in this dungeon and not allowing my mage to get any” (that last one was something that someone actually threatened to report me for once).


Depends on what it was, and I’ve had ticket times in the days recently. Most of the time when I make a ticket on here? 22+ hours, and it ends up taking 2-4 times of re-opening a ticket generally to get an issue resolved so 2-4 days.


What do you think aggressive pressure is? Do you have any reading comprehension. Being vote kicked does not fit.


Show me your evidence.


Give me a bit because editing names out takes time.

Did you just add to his original quoted post? Because I don’t see that last bit, and there’s no edit mark on the original post.

How many tickets do you open?!? I’ve had to open maybe three tickets in my entire time playing and I’ve been playing continuously since BC. If you are having to re-open tickets it is either because you aren’t clear in your first one, you are opening tickets for things a GM can’t help with, or your problem requires follow ups.

And what you are proposing would probably more than double the current times you are talking about.


No, it’s because often with customer support you get copy-paste responses that don’t actually have to deal with your issue.

My question is why are you even continuing with this? You’ve beaten this dead horse so much that theres nothing but a pile of meat left. We hear you. You feel the system should be changed.

Got it. Signed and checked off that’s your stand point. Moving on now


My question is why are you even continuing with responding to me or following me into threads? Shrug

Nobody is following you. This is a public forum, not a private one.


Dont flatter yourself to think I’m following you. Your comments are funny but not funny enough for me to follow you


You get copy paste responses because they have too many tickets to deal with and your’s is either not something they can help with, or you weren’t clear and they thought it was something they already had a template response for. Most times the answer doesn’t need to be something new, they have template responses for that, it is Customer Service 101.

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Clearly it is, because my first posts back without me quoting you; you were the first to respond.

Incorrect on all fronts, have a nice day on making further assumptions though because you apparently live to try and debate with me all day.

You’ve never worked in customer service or in any call center have you? There’s generally a script or template to follow in most situations. I guess it’s pointless to argue with you though, you seem to enjoy beating this topic to death, bringing it back, and resuming.


So, quick question. Did you play WoW prior to Cataclysm? Because the Customer Service given was a lot different at that time before they moved to the right click report system.

No, I actually know how the system at Blizzard works. Thanks for playing though. Keep using those alts to upvote your own posts and mass report others too.