Vote Kicking As A Form Of Harassment

Why would they change something thats working?


I really find myself doubting the people who say they’re vote kicked constantly. It just doesn’t happen in my experience. And believe me, I’ve made plenty of my own royal mess ups in LFG groups. As long as you communicate with the group, acknowledge your mistakes and stay positive, most groups are pretty chill. I also make a habit not to vote kick anyone unless they go afk without alerting the group prior.

So they are going to change a system that has worked for years and years, to make more work for their GMs by making them have to micro manage social interactions in dungeon groups? They were so against that, that they got rid of Master Loot to stop having to have GMs mess with loot disputes.

But hey you keep tilting at those windmills, I’m sure one of these days they will listen.


Being removed once for an incorrect reasoning like server, character race, nationality, protected class I feel isn’t correct and should be adjusted.

It’s amazing what a simple “sry, my bad” can do for attitudes when you do something innocuous like pull an extra trash pack. But that involves humility and/or the ability to laugh at oneself, and that’s exceedingly rare in the world.


Do you know what harassment even is? Are people sniping you and somehow joining your groups, targeting you and kicking you over and over? If not you’re not being harassed. Also, you realize “due process” would take much longer than a 30 minute debuff, right?


That’s called ongoing harassment, not harassment. There’s a difference, please read through the thread.

Paragraphs are your friend. More importantly though you can be kicked for any reason or no reason at all. It isn’t harassment. There is also no due process, this isn’t a court of law.


Its happened to me several times leveling. Normally its the latin servers that do it. I’ve put in a ticket when it happens and its laughed off. I had a time where I took the moment to type up “brb 1 min” and was kicked 5 seconds later (without being afk or anything) and the GM refused to let me know exactly how many seconds the vote kick started after I typed it. It doesn’t happen a lot, but when it does it hurts and there needs to be actual punishment to players who abuse it.

Blizzard can’t and shouldn’t micromanage like that. Would you like it if your account got actioned because you kicked a player and they didn’t agree with your reasoning? “Well they weren’t participating!!!” Blizzard: “Well, see we think they were trying, you have been found to be in violation of the rules.”


The moment you claim to know the reason why you were kicked is the moment we can see you’re lying. You can’t see why you’re kicked…

You can, when you question the people in the group. They can give you the reason, or they can further harass you for said reasons. Or, they announce it in chat! “Vote kick X for being from the weird server.” “Vote kick Y because BR.”

If you want evidence of people trying to vote kick someone, mid-raid fight, because they’re from MG? I have it.


So are you going to pay for all the new GMs that will need to be hired to stop tickets from taking weeks to be answered? Because EVERYONE that gets kicked is going to send in a ticket saying they don’t agree with why they were kicked. It doesn’t matter if Blizzard doesn’t take action on them, it is still an interaction that the GM has to take care of which will take them away from other things.



(either harris-meant or huh-rass-meant) n. the act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of oneparty or a group, including threats and demands.

Why would i read this thread over the legal meaning? That makes no sense at all. Kicking somebody one tmie does not in any way, shape or form fit the word.


Oh neat, this thread is back. :popcorn:


They want to make Blizzard be their bully. They want to punish anyone that doesn’t think like they do or dares to kick them out of a dungeon. This is all about them wanting power over a group of other people. They want to say why they are allowed to be kicked.

It is the ultimate in entitlement. “I am more important then a group of four or more other people.”


Here’s the thing, Blizz used to have people to answer tickets and legit talk to people before; and the wait times were not heavily worse in general.


Yes I would prefer that, as I don’t kick people unless they DC for over a minute or go on an unannounced afk for over a minute. I kick only in those situations and invite Blizz or anyone to evaluate my decisions for possible action.

Please. Show me the evidence. If there is any.





  1. aggressive pressure or intimidation.

Woo, neato huh. Yes it does. and more!

Offensive conduct may include, but is not limited to, offensive jokes, slurs, epithets or name calling, physical assaults or threats, intimidation, ridicule or mockery, insults or put-downs, offensive objects or pictures, and interference with work performance. Harassment can occur in a variety of circumstances.