Vote Kicking As A Form Of Harassment

They probably are kicking you because they know what your gnomes did to that poor human boy priest Heallie…

Oh christ this thread lives again?

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Do you honestly believe people kick for those reasons with any kind of frequency to be deemed a problem with the system? The only reason you listed that may happen is server, but the kick timer gives enough time for us to verify if the stereotype is true for that person. (You’re a 100% match for moon guard by the way).

Why should you be allowed to force yourself on people who dont want you there? As unfortunate as the penalty is, it’s there for a reason. Before the penalty, people would abuse the system and refuse to do anything of they got a dungeon they didnt like, forcing the group to kick them instead of leaving so they could avoid the debuff. This happened often enough to warrant the penalty for kicks too.

Yep, see. Judging someone based on server pre-determined. Kick timer is 5 minutes most of the time, hardly enough time for any of that. and people abuse the system already, and if people abused a new iteration then they should either be banned or just simply not able to queue anymore.


In my 14 years of WoW, I think I could count the troll kicks I’ve seen on one hand, that includes pre-LFD when it was just the leader that could kick. If this is continuously happening to you there is probably a good reason. The same goes for anyone else that ‘thinks’ this is a legit issue.


Oh yeah we back once again with the faux harassment


Actually, i matched you with moon guard because you fit the stereotype. Just like how 5 minutes is plenty of time to judge whether or not someone is dead weight in a group.

Just a toxic person really.

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I would say you could begin to call it harassment if an individual keeps following you into various groups and keeps trying to vote kick you just by the fact you’re there.

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Ive only been kicked twice in 5 mans. Never in raids.
The one kick was some joker DPS who was clearly there to cause problems and getting a thrill out of it. I dont think the players who voted to kick understood who was kicking who.

But I see voted to kick for absolutely crap reasons. I never vote yes unless I know the person deserves it, but since it only takes three, quite often they pass.
If I see a vote kick being abused and other players go along with it, I just pull from the dungeon and let them find two replacements instead of one.
I know most of the time its just not paying attention when that vote kick comes up, but Im not staying in a run where the joker who vote kicked someone for no good reason is still in there playing.

Oh lordie, this is back.

No, vote kicking is not harassment.


it is, if it’s used for one of many various reasons including the kick being directed at a group of people. Like say, an entire server of people.

That would be ONGOING harassment, not just harassment. There’s a difference, today you learn!

Ongoing harassment would be like the people that follow me around into every thread just to be snarky and make insinuations that toe-the-line of the forums but know will irritate me while they stalk me.

Ive never seen anyone kick anyone for being on a realm. Are you sure it isnt because, you know, you did something wrong?

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God forbid someone is held accountable for their own actions or poor play that warrants a removal from a group.

That would be horrendous!


Oh, goodie!! :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

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Well Blizzard disagrees and they are the only opinion that matters. No matter how much you stomp your feet or yell and scream, the bottom line is that Blizzard rules say you can be kicked for any reason or no reason at all. This has been the case for years and years, it isn’t changing any time soon.


Unless they change it, because people want them to. It’s almost as if this game makes changes daily. :thinking: