Vote Kicking As A Form Of Harassment

Fact, the problem is you not me.


Holy cow there’s a lot of flagged posts in this thread. 1st time I’ve seen this many in the new forums. Perhaps there is something to the complaints I’ve seen about the flagging system.


The fact you’re so gung ho about this is actually rather amusing. Though if your responses reflect how you are when you are in a group dungeon I’d vote to kick you as well.


It is not possible for anyone to know those things in the group finder. “Hey, they looked at me funny, must be from Australia, quick KICK 'EM”.

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How would I know all these facts about someone I’ve been in a group with for 5 minutes?


All for trolling. A.K.A. disagreeing with OP and his friends.

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The problem is me? Because when I join a group I put in full effort, am always there and ready to go, don’t AFK and am a patient person who is nice to everyone in the groups I am in? I’m telling you straight up, if you’re being kicked regularly, look at what you are doing and not what everyone else is doing. The problem is absolutely you. You’re not giving people enough credit.

I choose to believe the majority of people are good. They have good intentions and aren’t out to just “get everyone”. People reflect on what they are given. If your results are continuously toxic, that probably means you yourself are toxic.

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People never want to acknowledge or admit their own faults. They would just rather point fingers and blame others for their own short comings and failures.


It’s absolutely this. It is easier to say that everyone else is the problem than to admit you are. This nearly always ends up isolating the actual person who is a problem. They feel that isolation. Everyone else moves on just fine without them. If the whole world seems like its shutting you out, chances are YOU are the issue.

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Perhaps a System Judge is needed. Something that records the data of the Dungeon/LFR and dumps the data if nothing occurred.

Make it when you vote to kick you MUST fill out a pre-established list before it can go thru.

  • AFK/DC - the Judge checks if that person has moved at all and puts it thru to the group if it is correct.
  • Pulling without Consent of Group - The judge checks if that person is not a tank and has pulled before putting it thru for a group vote if pulling occurred.
  • Offensive Chat - The judge scans all text for anything that is on the list as offensive before sending it thru to the group vote only if offensive things where said.

If the person who triggered the kick is proven wrong by the Judge system then they are kicked themselves.

This is just a rough layout. Sadly I am sure someone can find holes in it. WoW players are good at that. However it may be better then the system we have now by a bitt.

And as Theon pointed out earlier, so many flagged posts (mine now being included) with the reason being trolling. If you’re to go back and read up on those hidden posts, clearly they’re not trolling in the least.

Just a spiteful individual going around targeting people who disagree with them. And hence using the same methods in which they’re so violently fighting against when they get booted from their dungeons.

The irony here is god tier.


Well… no matter what happens, people who don’t consent (to a kick for anyone) get someone booted from their run and have to wait around for a refill.

Someone is being naughty. (Spoiler: it’s not the people whose posts are being flagged.)


This topic is temporarily closed for 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 24 hours.

I did an Island last week and said I was going to kill the rare mobs to get loot I wanted. I went off to kill one and was kicked without a word(I’m pretty sure this guy just wanted to round everything up at once and AOE regardless of rare/named mobs). It really sucked to get a debuff that prevented me from playing WoW how I want to play it. I feel like I was punished because I didn’t want to play the way this one person wanted me to…and without even saying a word to me. Heck, no one even reads those messages when someone votes to kick. Most people just click yes.

Snowflake :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Every time this has happened to me it has been where three or four people in the group are members of the same guild. If you want a guild run, wait for someone else in your guild to log on, don’t waste my time when I did nothing wrong.

Takes one to know one. :wink:

It depends on many things why someone got kicked and we don’t often get the full story … last week we were doing heroic raid and we had an non guild demon hunter who had joined our group. After wiping out on one of the bosses, he went on a rant about some of our members who were doing low DPS ( mainly because they were undergeared and were being carried for gear ). After he was asked to not call out ppl , he went on another rant asking if we were snowflakes and whether he hurt our feelings . He was kicked immediately . His DPS was very high , but he never did any mechanics and on top to everything he was toxic . I am sure acc to him he was kicked inspite of top performance and we were jerks .